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The three days went by very quickly, and before I knew it I was helping my baby girl packing. Only I didn't take her to the airport so quickly, I decided we were going to spend the day with each other doing all the things we did during our time together long ago, to rekindle our emotions and make them even stronger. I couldn't believe that it was just as much fun the first time around with her as it was this time, only it meant so much more to me, knowing that she would be with me from now on. 

We stayed warm with each others company for most of the day, until the sun started to go down then I gave her a gentle smooch and told her that it was time to head to the airport, so we could start our long journey back to Las Vegas. I carried our luggage to the plane as the stewardess took them to storage room beneath our feet, then I just held her in my lap the entire way back to Vegas. We talked and listened to music, then I showed her some magic tricks, that I knew she totally adored. Then we spent a couple of hours taking a nap with each other. But as soon as we woke up I pulled out my phone so we could have a chat with our little boy, to let him know that we were on our way to be with him, and we would be there shortly.

After Jc got tired of talking he handed the phone back to Stoney, as he told him it was his nap time and he needed to find his stuffed bunny. I heard him in the background and asked Stoney what happened to his favorite stuffed monkey that he had, Stoney chuckled and said that Houdini got a hold of it and made it disappear, so he bought Jc a new favorite stuffed pal to play and sleep with. I snickered at him and told him that he would indeed make a perfect father one day. Stoney told me not to hold my breath on that one, because in order to be a father, he would have to have a wife first, and so far he couldn't even settle down with one girl, because they all loved partying with him, but none of them loved him enough to get serious with him.

I told him not to worry that the right female would come for him, sooner than he thought, and they would share a perfectly happy and crazy life together and start a beautiful family together, all he needed to do was be patient. Stoney snarled at me and told me very hostily that patience wasn't one of his virtues, and he wanted it right now! Not a million years from now. I told him that it wouldn't be long, and he would find the true meaning of love and happiness, all he needed to do was believe in it himself. Just as I did, I waited and it took a vacation to the middle of nowhere land to find the love of my life, and another many years to finally get her back into my life, and the wait was so worth it. Stoney playfully blew raspberries at me and said he couldn't handle the waiting part, then he hung up on me.

I looked at Kc then I looked at my phone and told her that Stoney wasn't having any luck with finding the right girl. She gave me a kiss and said that if finding the right person could happen to her of all people it could happen to anybody. Then she laid back on me and gently ran her fingers thru my hair, as she told me she couldn't wait to see her little boy and hold him in her arms again. I kissed her forehead and told her I couldn't wait to introduce her to my family, and show her what her new home was like, then I added comically that I hoped she liked pets, because I had three dogs that think they are human, and a cat that thinks he's a dog. Kc looked up at me as she gave me her very irresistibly adorable smile, and said she loved animals of all kinds.

Shortly after our animal talk we had, we both fell asleep holding onto each other, all we had was just a few more hours and the plane would finally be landing at the Vegas Airport, and I would finally be taking my baby girl home with me forever. Back at the house, Stoney was up in Jc's room with him snoozing away with him in his toddler bed, because Jc didn't like being by himself when his daddy wasn't around, and Klayton didn't mind at all crashing with his nephew. JD, Costa, and Mama D came to the house just to check on Klay and Jc to see if they needed anything, or if he needed any help, but when she saw them sound asleep together, she just smiled lovingly at them and took a picture of it to send to my phone, then she went down to the kitchen and made some hot tea, for herself, and began to prepare dinner for everyone, knowing that I would be coming home soon with Kc and she and the rest of my family really wanted to meet her.

The plane finally landed, and I woke up and gave Kc a kiss on the nose to wake her up, then we both got off the plane as I reached for our bags, and hailed a taxi for us. Once we were all loaded up, I told the driver to head to Serenity and to make it safe but snappy, because I had someone for my family to meet, as I looked at Kc and kissed her neck. Beens most of the driver's in Vegas knew me, I never had any problems in getting around when I needed to. I watched as I saw the emotional expressions hit Kc's face as she admired the scenery. But when we pulled up at Serenity I do believe her heart skipped a few beats, and she stopped breathing just for a moment as she stared at the utter beauty of my magical castle, that was now hers and Jc's home as well as mine.

👣MY GREATEST MISTAKE👣 {A Criss Angel Fanfic.}Where stories live. Discover now