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Jc finally calmed down after being with us both at the same time, but still crawled back and forth into each other's arms, I had never seen our little man so full of energy and happiness from having both of his parents with him at the same time. But when Klayton started feeling left out he started jumping in his arms too, because he loved his Uncle Klayton too. Mom came out of the kitchen and hollered at all of us to come and get it, Klayton jumped off the couch and Jc was clinging on his neck as they ran into the dining room to take their seats. 

Kc and I walked in together after everyone else was already seated, and even while we were eating I never let my hand out of hers, it was true love, and I for the first time since before I met her, felt complete. I had my love, my son, my family, and my home...I had it all. I was sorry about Lynn leaving JD even though he wasn't anymore after he found a new love with Rachel and her little girl, just for the fact, that Lynn was apart of the family for a very long time. We all were happy that Costa finally found someone to love and call his own. Now all I had to do was try and help Klayton find someone. I looked over at Jc that was currently tossing a few of his peas at his uncle Klayton because he tossed a green bean at him. I told them to stop food fighting but I was laughing too hard because they were so amusing to watch.

But when Kc got some mashed potatoes tossed in her hair she looked at them both and told them that was enough. Jc stopped instantly and said he was sorry, Kc smiled at him and told him he was a good boy, then she looked over at my old buddy and stared at him until he turned his head down and said he was sorry. Kc accepted his apology and said they needed to clean their plates like good boys and she would go in the kitchen and get some dessert made. They both brightened up at her remark and began cleaning their plates. Mom and my brothers got up and took their plates to the kitchen and said they hated to eat and run, but they had to get back to the Luxor and get ready to close up all the stores and get things ready for the next day before they went to bed.

I got up and gave them all hugs and kisses and thanked them for everything, and told Kim and Rachel that it was nice meeting them, and welcomed them into the family. Kc was kneeling by Jc cleaning up his face and fingers with a rag when I came back from showing my family out. Klayton was in the kitchen doing up the dishes while waiting patiently for his dessert he was promised. Kc removed Jc from his booster seat and told him he could go play until she got dessert made, then she would call him. After he scampered around me and I playfully ruffled up his hair, I asked her what Jc stood for, and if she had his birth certificate. She reached for her purse and pulled out a piece of paper and handed it to me without saying a word.

I unfolded it and slowly looked at it and realized that Jc stood for Johnny Crisstopher, and when I read the paternal part of the certificate she had my name on it with all my family history as his history. I looked up and wiped the single tear from my eye and told her I couldn't believe she put my name on it. She looked up at me and said she didn't say anything about it because she wasn't sure at the time if I would approve of it or want Jc in my life. I gently placed the certificate back into her hand and wrapped my arms around her and told her that she and Jc were the only thing I ever wanted. I followed her into the kitchen and helped her make the dessert which was going to be chocolate chip cookies because she told me that they were Jc's favorite. I snickered as I stuck my finger in the bowl and began eating the raw dough, and said it was my favorite too.

Kc noticed what I was doing and slapped my hand and told me that she didn't need that kind of help, then added playfully that I was worse than Jc was when he was in the kitchen helping her. Klayton came back in the kitchen and asked if the dessert was ready, Kc turned to him holding her wooden spoon up getting ready to smack him with it for thinking about putting his finger in the dough, he gave an uneasy grin and backed his way out the door. Then Kc hollered out so he and Jc both could hear her, that the dessert would be ready in 5 minutes. I heard the timer go off and grabbed one of the oven mitts and pulled the cookies out while she grabbed the spatula to place them on the plate. I then grabbed some paper towels and placed two cookies on each plate and headed out to the dining room and called Stoney and Jc to the table so they could have their dessert.

Kc came out with mine and her plate with two cookies on them, along with cups of milk for each of us. Then we shared a nice enjoyable and mildly humorous conversation until it was time for Jc's bedtime, Kc got up and lifted him up and took him up the stairs for his bath. Klayton and I headed up the stairs after I opened the doggie door so the furbabies could let themselves out during the night, then we both headed up the stairs and went into Jc's room to tell him goodnight, only Stoney jumped in behind him and crashed there instead of going all the way down the hall to his room, so Kc and I both playfully said goodnight to both of our kids then headed to the master bedroom.

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