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I spent my last two days and nights loving her when it came time for me to go to the airport, I asked her to see me off, once I boarded the plane, I thought we both parted ways without her father seeing us together but I was wrong. During my entire trip back to Vegas, I went thru my phone over and over again just so I could see her, and all the fun we shared together, along with the wants and desires just to be with her again. Even though I knew I would probably never see her again, and that in itself weighed heavily on my mind and in my heart...because I truly believed I was in love with her.

The closer I got back home, the more lonely and depressed I got. I tried listening to my music and for a while, it helped, but as soon as the battery died on it, I was right back into my slump I was in. I reached for my phone and wished more than anything that she would magically call me so I could hear her angelic voice on the other end...but she didn't know my phone number, not that she would have ever been able to call me because she wasn't allowed to have a phone. I looked all my photos of us again and touched her image gently with my fingertip, then I mindlessly dialed Stoney's number and told him all about the girl I met and had the greatest time of my life, then I added that I really missed her already, and wanted to go back just to be with her.

After hours of arguing with me Stoney finally talked me out of it, and told me that I just needed to let it go, because beens she was a minor it was for the best that we weren't seeing each other anymore, because it would be nothing but bad mojo for me if anyone found out. Then he cynically added what happens on a secret island paradise stays on a secret island paradise, then he told me he would see me when my flight landed because he was going to come pick me up, and escort me back home or to the Luxor whichever place I felt like going to first. But I knew all I would want to do when I landed from that long ass flight would be to find the nearest bed and sleep off the major jet lag I was going to have, that I was getting already.

I hung up the phone and laid back and tried to take a nap, because I still had over three hours of flying left, and I was bored out of my mind, and extremely lonely once again. I managed to pass out, and I didn't wake up until my plane landed, and the stewardess had to come over to me and wake me up to tell me that I had reached my destination, and it was time to leave the plane. As soon as I stood up and left the plane, Stoney was standing out in the lot next to his Dodge Challenger, holding my luggage and asking me what in the hell was taking me so long. I gave him a cheesy smile without saying a word because my head was busting wide open. I gave him a hug and asked him if he would just take me to Serenity because I wasn't in the mood to greet the Vegas crowd yet.

Stoney gave me his crazy nod of approval then peeled out of the airport's driveway and made a beeline straight for Serenity. I reached over to grab my bag, but he snagged it first and walked me to the doors, after I unlocked the door Stoney took my bag up to my bedroom and asked if I wanted him to chillax with me for a while, I gave him another hug and told him he didn't have too, that all I wanted to do for the next 12 hours was to sleep, because my head was busting wide open. Stoney gave me a hug and said he hopes I feel better soon, then he added that he would come by and check on me later. I thanked him and asked him to let my family know that I was home safe and sound.

He shook his head and said he would tell them, then he slid down the railing, popped out the door, hopped into his car and headed down the road. I went straight to my bedroom, and got into my sleeping trunks and crawled in bed hoping that by resting my head would stop pounding. I shut off all the lights and made it as dark as possible, then I covered my head with my extra pillow and relaxed all my muscles, and slowed my breathing so I could ease the pounding in my head just long enough so I could sleep. When I finally fell asleep, I dreamed of Kc, that she and I got back together and after she moved in with me, we got married. The dream felt so real that when it woke me up I was in tears, as I looked around and realized that it was just a dream because my sweet little girl wasn't with me, she was back there in Tahiti with her wicked father.

I slowly got out of bed as I wiped my eyes, and headed to the bathroom, when I heard my mothers ringtone go off on my phone, I slid back to my nightstand and grabbed my phone and answered it. I told her that I was fine and that I just wasn't up for the challenge of the Vegas crowd just yet, but I would be at the Luxor tomorrow to see her, my brothers, and all of my people that were always there waiting for me to make my grand appearance, so I could amaze and stun them all with my talents. I gave her a few kisses thru the phone and told her I would talk to her later, and that I loved her very much. After she returned my answer with her saying she loved me too, we both hung up at the same time. I jumped up and raced to the bathroom this time because I really had to go.

👣MY GREATEST MISTAKE👣 {A Criss Angel Fanfic.}Where stories live. Discover now