Chapter 20

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Well. Thankfully, it wasn't as bad as we thought. The police car was driving through our parking lot, but he was in per suit of someone else.

We may not have been caught, but I didn't want to risk it. So we out our clothes back on and we went home.

When I got home I took a nice shower. It was nice not having to worry about other people creeping on you while you scrub yourself. swimteam showers feel awkward sometimes. Plus I got to shave my legs this way.

I dried off and put my pajamas on. I went down the hall and grabbed a box of cheese it's and snuck them down to my room. Since my mom wasn't home, there wasn't a problem.

I ate my cheese-its while I did my homework and watched tv. After an hour, I managedfo complete my name and date on my homework. Major progress for me.

I decide to take a break for awhile from this "rigorous" homework doing. I move over to my bed and lay down. I decide a little catnap can't hurt...guess I was wrong.


"Lilly? Lilly! Lilly wake up," I here my brother day as he shakes me awake. "Cindy got loose. I don't know where she is."

"What?" I bolt up straight away. "How could you be so stupid?"

Cindy was mainly my mom's dog. When she finds out she went missing, she'd kill me and my brother and blame me like always.

I get up and grab my shoes and coat. I put Fudge on a leash to take with us. Hopefully he can help us sniff her out.

I open the front door and am met my a cold gust of snow. "Well this just great.

"Well it's not my fault it's snowing," he answers me. He heads out the door behind me.

I turn and give him a dirty look. "Well if it wasn't for you're dumb ass, Cindy wouldn't have gotten out and I could have still been sleeping."

He shys away and starts calling for Cindy. I know he feels guilty and he should. It really is all his fault.

He walks one side of the street, I on the other. We call her name and carry treats. We even squeak her favorite toy. We had no luck.

The snow was picking up, and it was getting harder to see. A car starts coming down the street, and all I could see was the headlights. Fudge's ears perked up and he started barking.

I thought it was at the car, so I tell him to shush, but then I hear another dog barking. It was Cindy's little chihuahua back. I couldn't even see her in the white snow. She blended right in.

Just after I hear her bark, I hear her yelp in pain. Me and Rodger stop in our tracks. So did the car.

"O. M. G. Did that car hi-" Rodger begins but I don't hear him finish. I run up to check the front of the car. Sure enough Cindy is there with her back legs underneath the tire.

I tell the driver to back up. He does as I say and I pick Cindy up. The driver gets out of the car and starts to speak. "I am so sorry. I couldn't see her. I heard her bark so I stopped. But it was too late. I'm so sorry is she okay?"

I try and calm Cindy down, but her back begs are bleeding pretty bad, but she's alive. "We need to get her to animal hospital. Like stat."

"I'll give you a lift there. Is the one up the street fine?" the man asks.

"Yes. Sure. Thank you, I say hoping in the back. "Rodger. Take fudge home. God so help you if you lose that one too."

I close the car door and ridge starts to walk away. I cuddle Cindy and try to comfort her. You know even though this is all Rodgers fault, I'm gonna get blamed. Just fan- flipping- tastic. Ugh. Being the older sibling really sucks some days...actually, a

lot of days.

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