Chapter 1: The Start

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A/N: Blake is played by Daren Sagosoff(Hunter off of Red Band Society)

Chapter 1: The Start

Memories of my mother fill my head, making me hate myself even more. I’ve become just like her though I said I never would. I always swore that I’d avoid men like my father. I always told myself that I wouldn’t bear the scars that mother had to bear when I was younger, but now I’m just like her.

I place my hand on the steady bruise that's beginning to show on my skin. I examine my features, looking in the mirror, hiding my marks with make-up. I have to cake on more than normal now due to the mark. It honestly doesn't even bother me that much anymore ‘cos it's sort of a routine.

Once I'm done, I look in the mirror, pleased with my appearance, well as much as I can be. Any trace of what was there can't be noticed anymore. So now, I just stare at myself, disgusted. My brown eyes are more grey now, and sunken. I have bags under my eyes that are too prominent to hide. My ginger hair is lifeless and nearly static. My body looks skinny, something every girl would dream of except for nobody can see just how skinny I am due to the baggy clothes I wear. Not even Blake sees anymore. I just have no motivation to eat anymore, or do anything for a fact.

"You almost ready Jayden?" Blake calls from down stairs. I don't even have the energy to roll my eyes as I once would have. Instead, I just wipe away the few stray tears that escaped and apply a little mascara. I then place a fake smile on my lips and hurry down the stairs where I see him. His brown eyes bore into mine while he flashes me a disapproving look, running his hand through his black hair. I remember when those eyes captivated me, now they just haunt me.

"Is that really what you're wearing?" He asks looking down at my oversized sweater and now baggy jeans. I don't see the big deal considering that we're just meeting his friends under the dock, as always.

"Whatever," he says at my sullen expression and walks out into the lift. I hurry after him and he places his arm around me. I smile a bit, remembering old times when this would be enjoyable. Those times are long gone.

"Good job covering it up babe," he says purposely kissing the sore spot. I silently hiss to myself at the familiar pain. I don’t understand why I put myself through this time and time again.

"I've had a bit of practice," I smirk back, using some of that fire I have in me. It's not completely gone yet. I won't give him that satisfaction. I can't give him that satisfaction. I couldn't live with myself if I let him single handedly ruin my life. I can't follow in my mother’s footsteps this way.

"You're feisty tonight. I like it, but tone it down a bit," he tells me. He's probably thinking back to our little disagreement earlier too. I didn't want to go out tonight and he didn't understand that. Obviously, he won. Soon our lift comes to a stop and we get out, me following him like a lost puppy. I don't know any better though.

We walk around to the parking lot where his shiny bike. It's a sexy piece of machinery and I love when he takes me for a ride on it. It's just a shame that he treats this better than any other thing, including me. He climbs on it, revving the engine as he starts it up. I climb on the bike, wrapping my arms loosely around his waist. He doesn't seem to care as he once would have as he zooms off onto the interstate. I just sit there, blocking out all memories of this monster that I just happen to love.

After a little bit, we arrive at the beach where the sun is setting. He parks his bike and I hop off immediately, stretching my legs. He gets off too and glances at me, walking towards his friends without a second thought. I hurry to catch up with him, but he's already amongst his group. He doesn't take a beer, though he was offered one. He never drinks which is something that I admire about him quite a bit. I used to be the same way, but now I grab a bottle from the cooler and lean against the wooden pole by myself, drowning out my sorrows.

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