Chapter 5: Sirens
“Who’s she?” I ask, wanting further explanation. She is absolutely gorgeous. She’s definitely more so than me and I know that Blake would pick her over me in a second.
“She’s my fiancé, well at least she was,” Louis smiles sadly. I’m honestly surprised that he’s being so open about the subject. How can he look upon her with a smile when they’re obviously not together anymore by the term he used? Something must have gone wrong to have broken up their engagement.
“If you don’t mind me asking, what happened?” I question. I can tell he’s a bit uncomfortable at this point by the way that he shifts in his seat and his smile disappears a bit. I must’ve hit a nerve. We keep seeming to do that for each other.
“How about this, I’ll tell you what happened if you tell me why you have those bruises,” Louis goes for a compromise. My heart speeds up, the temperature getting hot around me due to the sudden attention and the fact that he’s pointing out my biggest weakness.
Should I tell him?
Should I risk releasing Blake upon this poor innocent soul? Would he call the police if I told? How would he react? Would he call me weak? Would he request to never see me again? What would Blake do if he found out that I told somebody, especially when that somebody was a stranger, let alone a male?
“M-maybe another time,” I stutter. I don’t want to tell him, but I do at the same time. Maybe if I see him again and things between Blake and I are fixed, I’ll tell him. Right now, things between the two of us are a bit rocky and I don’t want to officially ruin what we have because I ran my big mouth. I don’t want Blake to hate me forever. I love him.
I think that’s another reason why I don’t want to tell Louis about Blake. I don’t think he would understand. I love Blake with all my being. Granted, the waters between us have shifted, but he was good at one point. I’m kind of just hoping that he can fix his ways again. I want to go back to the way that we were before. I want to be that couple that people on the street envy. I want Blake to accept me again. I know that deep down he still loves me, he’s just afraid to admit it. I want to help fix him even if it’s causing me to break in the process.
“Okay,” Louis replies, disappointment leaking through his words. Did he want to talk about it? Why would he if it was so bad?
“I’m s-sorry. I’m just not that…comfortable with the topic,” I tell him.
“I get it,” he replies smiling genuinely at me. Why is he so nice? Why hasn’t he freaked out at me yet? If I would have said something like that to Blake I would’ve earned myself a slap across the face. He doesn’t like when I hide things from him. He thinks that I’m doing bad things behind his back, plotting against him when the reality is that I’m just trying to make things better again.
“Just promise to let me know if you’re in trouble, okay?” he asks. I know that he’s being serious, but why would he care for someone like me?
“I don’t even have a way to reach you,” I tell him. He kind of just rolls his eyes at my comment, grabbing a paper and pen. I watch as he scribbles what I assume to be his number on to it. He then slides it over to me and my assumptions are correct.
“Fine. I’ll call you,” I respond, smiling a bit myself. I’ve never had someone care so much about me, especially someone who doesn’t even know me. I don’t even know if I can consider him a stranger anymore. I think we’re more of acquaintances, maybe even friends.
“Thank you. Now c’mon. We best be getting you home.”
“Thank you again Louis, for everything,” I say as we’re now parked down the block to my place. Blake would lose it if he saw me show up on the back of some bloke’s motorcycle. I’m also in my own clothes again. I know Blake would lose his shit if I were in someone else’s clothes too.

Therapy || l.t.
Fanfiction"Maybe we'll meet again, when we are slightly older and our minds less hectic, and I'll be right for you and you'll be right for me. But right now, I am chaos to your thoughts and you are poison to my heart." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This book contains sen...