Chapter One✔️

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Chapter One: The Fair


Aaliyah smiled, hearing the water droplet notification sound from her phone shoved in her back pocket. She had already known who it was. He had his own special notification. Eagerly, she snatched the device from her pocket, reading over the message, a huge smile stretching across her face.

1 New Message

From: The Best
Good morning, beautiful. Have a good day, I love u.

To: The Best
I love you more.

She chuckled softly to herself before walking through the doors of her school, Lyndersonn High. Never had she imagined falling for someone like him. Although they weren't face to face, he managed to give the feeling that he was by her side, whispering how much he loves her in her ear.

She figured it was very much.

The halls were vacant and quiet, as she was normally one of the first few there. 7:00 a.m. is when the doors would open and the back hall would flood with hunger crazed students fighting their way to the cafeteria to find available seats for them and their friends and breakfast, of course.

Aaliyah usually had first pick.

She has been sitting in the same seat at the same table since freshman year. Junior year. Her second to the last year of freedom. Two years from the real world, in which she was not ready for in the slightest.

Life can be a bit much.

Setting her bag down, she sat in the seat beside it, turning on her phone and going through her messages from last night with her boyfriend. Khaiyon King. She had yet to meet him, but they had been talking for almost a little more than a year and she really, truly felt that she loved him. She felt she was in love.

Why couldn't she love someone without having met them just yet?

Once, reaching the last message sent, up until this morning, she left the messages and opened her Snapchat account, sending out her streaks playing with the filters until her friends arrived.

Shalise was normally the first to get there. Her best friend, Alisha would arrive only minutes after her. She smiled, excited about the plans that would be carried out tonight at the town's fair. Aaliyah, Alisha, and some close friends of theirs would meet up and hangout for a few hours and enjoy their Friday night.

For Aaliyah, there was nothing like being surrounded by the people you love and those who reciprocate the feeling.

It didn't take long for the bell to ring and everyone stand and make their way to their homeroom classes. Aaliyah and Alisha were the last to leave, as usual.

Best friends defy together.

The day had gone by in a breeze and Aaliyah was sitting in Forensics with ten minutes left of class, laughing with her friends. She always favored that class out of all the ones she had had that day. She smiled, looking down at her phone, seeing that Khaiyon had messaged her for the second time in the three minutes. She loved when he double messaged. It made her feel special and as though she were constantly on his mind.

1 New Message

From: The Best
10 more minutes until ur out of that hell hole!

From: The Best
I can't wait until ur out. I can have u all to myself.

To: The Best
Patience is key, darling.

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