Chapter Twenty Four✔️

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Chapter Twenty Four: A Bloody Mess

AALIYAH groaned, bending over in pain. Her stomach began cramping even more, causing her to cry softly. The inexplicable pain only occurred once a month around the same time, each month. She closed her eyes, biting her bottom lip, attempting yet another position to ease the pain. It worked for only a few minutes.

The pain had returned.

Her menstrual cycle would begin the next day or the day following it. She never understood why they had to be so painful. "Please," she begged, squeezing her legs together in discomfort. Aaliyah would always beg God to ease the pain. He never worked fast enough for her.

A subtle knock was at the door and she became silent, in hopes they would go away. "Hey, we haven't seen much of you since Khaiyon le- are you okay?" Martavius asked, taking in her position on the bed.

"I'm fine, please leave," she mumbled, burying her face into the pillows.

He stood awkwardly by. "You don't look fine," he stated, watching her. "What's wrong?" he asked. "Tell me."

"My period!" she cried, shaking her head. "It's going to start soon and I don't have any Midol or pads. I looked around and I didn't see anything."

Martavius shook his head. "Our girls are on birth control. They don't get periods. Here, I'll take you to the store." Aaliyah reluctantly stood, some of the pain decreasing a little. "You good?" She followed him out of the room. "We'll be back," he called to Jayvon, who sat on the couch, playing on the PlayStation.

"Yeah," he mumbled, nodding. He didn't hear a single thing that was said to him.

"Do you know everything you need?" Martavius asked Aaliyah as they climbed into the Silverado and he pulled out of the long driveway and through the cul-de-sac, despite being the only house around.

She nodded, looking out the window. She couldn't remember the last time she was in a car, willingly. Her insides began to churn and she groaned again, leaning her head against the window and trying to fight the tears threatening to roll down her face. Normally, she would go to sleep and try to sleep through the pain, but with no medication to help that, it was useless.

As the trees and buildings began to go by, it didn't take long for Martavius to pull into a parking spot in front of Rite Aid. "You can stay in and tell me what to get," he offered, looking at her.

Aaliyah was a little surprised, hearing him offer to go in a purchase the feminine products himself. "You'll do that for me?" she asked.

He looked at her as though she were crazy. "Yes, you're in pain. You don't need to be making it worse," he stated, unbuckling his seatbelt and getting out of the car. "Tell me what you need and I'll get it for you."

Aaliyah recited everything she remembered using back home and watched through the windshield as he set off for the building in front of her. Watching him disappear, she looked out the window and saw all the stores sit tall and proud as cars passed by freely.

It felt nice to see something normal. To see normal people go about their day carelessly. Her eyes fell onto the door handle and then she turned to see he had left the keys in the ignition.

He trusts me.

She didn't understand why he found her so trustworthy. All she had to do was open the door and run. Or better yet, climb into the driver's seat and take off as though she were never there. It was all simple for her, but the fact that he trusted her. He treated her like a normal human being and no one's toy.

How can I break his trust like that? Besides, I don't know where I am anyway.

Very slowly, she reached for the handle and pulled it towards her, pushing the door. A strong gush of wind blew in her direction, pushing her hair past her face and over her head. Looking down, the pavement was only inches below her feet.

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