Chapter Twenty Six✔️

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Chapter Twenty Six: Let's Go Upstairs

AALIYAH sighed, sinking onto the couch and wondering what she could wear while she went out with the others. Clubbing was out because of her and Kolson's age and her not being much of drinker also added to the few reasons they would not be doing so.

No doubt Martavius and the boys could slide them in no problem.

She never once thought she would get much of a say so in the house, but she does and it made her feel less of a prisoner. Even though, that was never their intentions anyway, it was just how she felt. Especially considering that she couldn't go home or call home or do anything remotely family, back in Alabama, related.

It was strictly Chicago and Khaiyon and his "family" related. She didn't really have much of choice anyway. Chicago was new to her. Actually, anything outside of Alabama was new to her.

A quiet knock sounded a few minutes later and she sat, staring at the door. Khaiyon and the others would just walk inside. "Yeah?" she called out, waiting for them to enter. Seconds later, Snow appeared in the doorway, looking at her nervously, twiddling her fingers. "Oh," she mumbled, slightly disappointed. She was hoping for Khaiyon.

"Hey," she mumbled, looking around the room. "Haven't been in here in weeks," she stated. Aaliyah nodded, wondering what she could possibly need. They hadn't been on speaking terms for almost a month now.

Clearing her throat, she looked at the girl in front of her. "So, did you uh?" she asked.

She nodded quickly. "Oh, yeah. I just came to talk to you. You know, see if what we had can be salvaged," she explained, looking at her. "I really hate how things went down between us."

"Things that you did," Aaliyah said, nodding in approval. "Yeah, it was pretty messed up," she agreed. "I don't know what got into you that day, but you lost your shit on me. Said some pretty disrespectful things," she grumbled, venom lacing her words. She couldn't remember how angry she was with her until the topic was brought back up and she was staring at the girl right then and there.

"I've got some serious apologizing to do, I know."

"Trust me, we both know." She glared at her.


Aaliyah looked around the room of the bowling alley, taking in the view and everything around her. It was definitely different. The last time she was in a bowling alley was with her family. She missed her family. She missed her life.

Although, she loved being around Khaiyon and his friends and becoming one with his world, she quickly learned that his world was not what she wanted.

It was then that she realized, she honestly wasn't ready for Khaiyon. She would never be ready for his world and no matter how much she loved him, she felt she couldn't stick around and wait for his world to spontaneously combust with her in it.

I have to get home.

"Hey, you okay? You haven't said much since we got here," Killian stated, sitting down beside the girl.

She smiled, nodding her head. "Just thinking," she whispered, looking at him. He truly was a handsome man and she was flattered that he had wanted to be with her, but she doubted she was ready for anything Chicago. Or closely bonded with her boyfriend.

Why she hadn't told Khaiyon she was leaving the house, she didn't know and she knew it would only cause more problems between the two, but she needed a moment to herself and just breathe.

She loved Khaiyon no doubt. That couldn't be questioned. It was just, did she love him enough to throw her world away and surrender her well being to him and his life for the rest of their lives? That was the million dollar question that rang through her mind 24/7 and she hated herself because she already knew the answer.

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