Chapter Seventeen✔️

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Chapter Seventeen: And The Victor Is. . .

AALIYAH clung tightly to Khaiyon's chest as they lied in the bed, staring at the ceiling. They had been it if for hours and neither of them wanted to leave it. Martavius had knocked once and Jahmez twice. Khaiyon just sent them away and said he'd be at them in a minute.

"I have to get downstairs," Khaiyon mumbled, picking his head up. Aaliyah placed her palm on his forehead and pushed it back down. He laughed, looking at her. "I have to."

"Or. . ." she sang, looking at him through her big puppy eyes. He covered his face so he wouldn't be forced to see the sad expression on hers.

Shaking his head, he sat up, pushing the blanket off of himself. "No or. I gotta go handle some business and I'll be back before you know it," he explained, peeking through his fingers.

"Fine," she mumbled, staring at the ceiling. "I guess I'll just stay in here and try to find something to do with myself."

"That's the spirit."

She watched him climb out of the bed and walk to the door, only wearing a pair of basketball shorts. He turned back and looked at her and she rolled over, facing the wall. Listening, he chuckled once more before walking out of the room and shutting the door softly behind himself.

"Just perfect," she mumbled, staring at the tall window beside the bed.

Aaliyah walked over and peeked out. The large front yard came into view and the driveway was lined with expensive cars, all belonging to the boys downstairs. She couldn't really recall when Khaiyon had told her that he moved in with his dad and was basically sleeping on piles of money every night.

They went from her parents having more money and him being on the streets most nights, to her crashing at his place, unwillingly, while he slept on expensive mattresses. Mattresses that were more than likely stuffed with hundred dollars bills as cushioning.


There wasn't much of a neighborhood outside the window. Mostly trees, but a few tall houses could be spotted in the distance. Aaliyah had always dreamed of living such a luscious life.

Dreaming was all she could do for the time being.

Closing the curtains, she left the room, quietly heading for Snow's. Knocking on the door, she didn't wait for an answer before just walking in. Snow was sitting up in the bed, thanking Clarissa for bringing her some food. "Hey," she smiled, once seeing her friend.

Aaliyah waved, walking in and sitting on the other side of the bed. "Hey there. Getting pretty comfortable here, I see," she stated, taking in her surroundings. There was no doubt in mind that Snow was taking every bit of advantage to the new life she was living at the moment.

How could she not, though? She had never had anything as extravagant and her family struggled a lot growing up. She wanted to indulge in the moment as much as she possibly could.

"Yeah," she smiled, watching Clarissa leave the room. "Where did you go, yesterday?" she asked suddenly. "You left me at the pool and I hadn't seen or heard from you since then. I had to turn to Killian for conversation."

She looked at her surprised. Killian? Who would have thought? She wondered how he was doing because she knew her meeting Khaiyon really bothered him. She just never had the chance to get with him and talk about it. Her main focus was on her boyfriend, whom she was very excited to meet. Although, she hated the circumstances it had come to for the two to do so.

It didn't really seem fair to her and she hated it.

"Oh, yeah. I had saw someone I knew and just hung out with them for a while," she explained, shrugging as though it wasn't a big deal.

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