Chapter Twenty Three✔️

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Chapter Twenty Three: Let's Talk Repercussions

"YOU'RE leaving?" Aaliyah asked, watching Khaiyon fix his tie in the mirror. "I thought you were going to just stay here with me today?"

He turned and frowned at her. "I know. I thought the same thing, but my father needs me and it's really important."

"Why not let me go with you, then?" she asked, crawling towards the end of the bed. "I won't be in the way if that's what you're worried about. Besides, I haven't met your father yet either. Perfect timing, right?"

Khaiyon sighed, shaking his head no. He hated telling her she couldn't come meet his father, but it just wasn't the time. He knew the next meeting he had was strictly business. "I'm sorry babe, but I don't think you should come with me on this one. It's strictly business."

Aaliyah sighed, sitting back on the bed. "You took Snow to meet your dad," she mumbled to herself, picking at the tiny hairs on her arm.

"What?" he asked, turning and looking at her. "What did you say?"

She looked up at him. Surely he wasn't going to get mad at something he did, she thought. "I said you let Snow meet your father, but you won't let me. Why did you take her anyway? What business does she have with your dad?"

The questioning, he didn't appreciate. "I did bring Kolson back," he pointed out. "If Snow hadn't have gone then she wouldn't have told me that she was your friend and you guys were separated. If anything, you owe her."

Shaking her head, she refused to let him turn the situation around on her. He did it very often before they met in person. She wasn't going to let it happen again. "That's besides the point. If you had have brought me I could have told you the same thing. I think I would have known more than Snow. Anyway, you don't seriously think I owe Snow a thanks for pointing out my long lost best friend."

"I didn't say that."

"Yes you did," she nodded, looking at him through squinted eyes. "Don't even try to play it off. Besides, you kind of just ignored the entire question altogether. Why did you take her instead of me? I am you girlfriend," she stated. "No, I think the question is why did you take her in general? And to meet your dad of all people."

Khaiyon did his best to not get an attitude with the girl. "That happened weeks ago and I don't think you have much a right to get an attitude with me. You can't tell me who I can talk to."

Aaliyah scoffed, rolling her eyes. "Really, but you can? You can tell Killian to stay away from me, but I can't tell you to stay away from Snow?" she asked.

"I don't go anywhere near her anymore and she's not trying to fuck me."

"Killian isn't either!" she defended, glaring at him. "He's just trying to be a friend. I don't have many of those here."

Khaiyon sighed, sitting down on the edge of the bed. "Babe, listen. I have no problem at all taking you to meet my father. It's just that tonight isn't the best timing and I don't think he's in much of a mood to be meeting people. Especially girlfriends. I can take you some time this week if you want, but tonight isn't good."

"Don't worry about it," she whispered, crawling back to the top of the bed and climbing underneath the blankets. "It's fine."


"I don't care about it, Khaiyon. Go enjoy tonight or whatever. Goodnight."

He turned and looked at her in disbelief. The last thing he wanted was for her to be upset with him, but he couldn't bring her along. The meeting was about a group of girls that came in with no proof they existed. It also didn't help that she was apart of that group.

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