Chapter Three✔️

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Chapter Three: The Ride

IT wasn't happening. "I'm sorry, but I can't," Marna whispered, shaking her head. "I really wish I could help, but I have a family to look after."

Aaliyah sighed, leaning back in her chair.

Should have known it wouldn't be that simple.

The excitement brewing in Kolson's chest had died just as quickly as it had birthed. "Thanks anyway," Aaliyah whispered.

Marna sighed, shaking her head. "Listen, I can tell you this. There's a thicket of trees surrounding this building. If you decide to take off, do not do it here.  All of it is a trap. Do not attempt it. They're testing you."

"Testing us?" Kolson finally spoke up, looking at the woman confused.

"Yes, testing you. It's filled with traps to get rid of the weak minded. They say if you try it, you're not strong enough to make it to the Boss and they need to get rid of you now before you cost them their paychecks. Wait until the next stop."

"What's the next stop?"

Aaliyah's eyes was glued on Marna as well as Kolson's. "The men have to do van checks and make sure there's nothing suspicious going on or make sure there's nothing that will hinder their jobs. And mainly to make sure the police don't have any suspicion to pull them over. The second stop is your best chance to get the hell out of here. You've got less than five minutes to get out of there. Do you understand me?" she asked, staring at the girls closely.

"Yes," they both responded quickly.

"Be smart."

Just as she stopped talking the door opened and Sebastian poked his head. "Okay, ladies, on the bus."

"Bus?" Aaliyah and Kolson asked at the same time. "We were just in a van."

The man looked at them and smirked. "Well, yes you were. But we've made a few changes here and there. Just to fit the schedule and size."


"Don't worry, it'll make sense soon. We've got a package to pick up."

"Wouldn't a bus just make it more obvious?" Aaliyah questioned, raising an eyebrow at him.

He laughed, shaking his head. "Not when you're in the middle of nowhere."

"Where are we?" Kolson asked. This was the most Aaliyah had heard her say so far.

He slid between the two and wrapped his arms over their shoulders. "You two ask a lot of questions, you know." Aaliyah tried to wriggle out of his grip, but it only tightened, warning her not to try it again. "Alright, let's go!" his loud voice echoed through the small hallway.

The girls followed quietly behind, his arms still around Aaliyah and Kolson, holding them tightly. They squeezed through the tight hall and through the door. The second the sight of stars settled in, one quiet little girl took off towards the thicket of trees. The same trees Aaliyah and Kolson were warned about.

"No!" she yelled, but it was too late. The girl had disappeared into the night. She turned and looked at Sebastian.

"She was weak anyway," he mumbled, staring at the trees. Moments later a loud screech pierced the air. He sighed, shaking his head. "Ty, go loosen the bear trap."

A tall man set off towards the woods.

"Okay, onto the bus, ladies! Unless you want to head for the woods?" he asked, watching them with a daring look in his eyes. They looked at each other for five long seconds before climbing onto the bus. "Smart. You two, stay with me," he said holding Aaliyah and Kolson back before the could slip on to the bus with the others.

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