Chapter Twenty Two✔️

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Chapter Twenty Two: Enjoy Your Prize

AALIYAH sat quietly at the table as everyone awkwardly ate their lunch, staring at everything, but each other. This was the first time in a week that everyone was in the same room all at once and it felt rather weird for them.

Snow and Aaliyah had yet to make amends and Killian was no longer on Snow's friends list. He hadn't bothered much to talk to any of the girls in the house besides the ones that worked there, but that was about it.

He wasn't entirely sure what to say to any of them. He had sex with Kolson multiple times in one night a week ago and the entire house definitely knew about it. But then there was Aaliyah, whom made him feel so alive and made him want to risk anything he had for the girl. She made him feel things he had never felt before. And then there was Snow. He felt something for her and he knew it. He hated it, but he knew that she had grown on him since that night.

The last thing he wanted was to feel something for Snow, but she sunk into his skin.

Meanwhile, Kolson wasn't really focused on Killian or Snow. She thought about her friend and how they would get home safely. Although, she doubted it would be happening anytime soon. Her fate seemed pretty sealed in that house.

No one dared say a word to anyone. They only looked around and the only person willing to break the silence was Jahmez. "So," he sang, looking around the place. "Fair's in town. Anyone interested?" he offered.

Everyone looked around nodding. "Doesn't sound like a bad idea," Martavius agreed.

Aaliyah watched as everyone agreed to it and she was surprised to find Khaiyon wanting to do the same. Soon, all eyes fell on her, waiting for a response. She swallowed a lump in her throat, shaking her head. "Thanks, but I think I'll stick it out here tonight."

"You don't want to get out for a little. Catch a breather?" Killian asked.

That's exactly what I want. Just not a fair. Surrounded by people I don't know, reliving one of the worst nights of my life. Even if it did end me up in the arms of one of the greatest guys alive.

"Yeah, just not a fair," she explained.

Khaiyon eyed her carefully from beside and Killian couldn't help but notice the way he was looking at her. If only he could do the same without people giving him problems about it. "No fair," he finally said after a moment of watching his girl.

"What?" Jahmez asked, sounding rather disappointed. "It would have been a nice night."

"We'll find something else to do," he insisted.

Snow looked at them becoming a little jealous of how they made things strictly about Aaliyah. Aaliyah this and Aaliyah that. Aaliyah didn't like this and Aaliyah was allergic to this. Now she got to dictate whether or not the could go to the fair and enjoy themselves. Where was that fair at? "Okay. so because she doesn't wanna go to the fair, we have to sit here and stare at each other all night?" she asked rather annoyed with everyone. "What do you have against fairs anyway? How could you possibly not like them?"

"The fair's where I was taken from," she interrupted, angry that the girl was just assuming things without facts. Snow immediately closed her mouth and everyone looked around the room awkwardly. "If I hadn't have gone that night I wouldn't be here now."

Killian leaned back in his chair and stared at the dark skinned girl across the table from him. "I'm sorry, I didn't know," Jahmez mumbled, embarrassed.

"No," Aaliyah shook her head. "It's okay. I don't want to be the one who determines where you guys go and you can definitely go without me. It's just the last place I want to be is there. In any state or country."

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