31.| His Fluffy Duck

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Chapter Thirty One: Help Me, Please?

KOLSON and Snow sat quietly at the table. The boys looked at them longingly. They wish they had an answer or knew the slightest comforting thing to say. They wanted to cheer them up. Lighten the mood a little.

Nothing worked.

They had been like that for two days since they found out Aaliyah had left them. It was true betrayal. For once, Kolson had turned to Snow for comfort and vice versa.

It worked.

But it wasn't a strong enough comfort. The house was quiet without Aaliyah and Khaiyon. Kolson had figured they had slipped away for a week to be alone and they would be back later after they figured they've screwed enough. She never thought he would come back without Aaliyah.

Snow sighed, lying the fork down on her plate. Her food went untouched. Just when her and Aaliyah had finally gotten back to a good place she disappears on her.

"I mean, how inconsiderate can she be?" she demanded, slamming her palm against the table. They turned to look at her. Her anger was understandable. "What kind of treacherous bullshit is this? She screwed us over!"

For once Kolson was team Snow. Aaliyah had left them. No goodbye. No "we'll see each other again."

"What happened to the promises?" she questioned, standing up. Snow had knocked the chair over in the process. Anger and disappointment consumed her whole. "We were supposed to be in this together! To-Gether! Two and three as one."

Kolson sighed, looking at her plate. She didn't know what to say. The second she found out Aaliyah wasn't coming back she felt a piece of her spirit leave with her. They were supposed to escape together. Make it home together.

Aaliyah made sure that wouldn't happen. For that, she couldn't be forgiven. Not without trying, at least.

Martavius pushed his plate away from him and watched the girls silently. It didn't effect him as much as it seemed. Aaliyah was no one to him, but his best friend's girlfriend. But it all mattered when it changed the feelings of everyone in the house. Especially his other closest friend.


He hadn't spoke one word in the last three days he had found out. He spent every moment alone except for dinner. Probably in hopes of grasping an image of Aaliyah sitting across from him. Laughing at terrible jokes and beaming brightly at her friends.

It was all gone.

"We were in this together," she whispered, shaking her head. Killian stood up abruptly and approached Snow, engulfing her in his arms. If he would hurt, he wouldn't do it alone. Seeking comfort into the next pained soul was about the best treatment he could find.

Snow cried into his arms, trembling hard. "We're not going to go home," she cried, shaking her head. "We're stuck."

Kolson stood quickly and walked out of the room. Showing weaknesses was never her thing. She'd rather hurt in private.

When she made it to her room, she shut the door quietly and sat on the bed, staring at the wall.

Damn, if this is what betrayal feels like it fucking sucks.

She laughed aloud at her own thought. "It really does," she chuckled. "Now that she's gone, what's stopping me from leaving?"

Absolutely nothing.

"Everything," Martavius answered, slowly opening the door. Kolson looked at him tiredly. "Sorry for just walking in," he apologized. "Figured you could use some silent company."

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