Chapter Twenty Eight

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Chapter Twenty Eight: Let's Go On A Trip

KOLSON sighed, looking at the wall ahead of her. She had walked past Killian's room and Snow's moans were incredibly evident.

He just can't make up his mind to save his fucking life!

She shook her head, the blank television caught all of her attention. Martavius and Jaylon burst into the room, loud with laughter.

They both calmed down once seeing her sitting on the couch. "Yo," Martavius chuckled, nodding towards her. "What's up?"

Her eyes followed Jaylon as he looked at her for a moment before he disappeared into the kitchen, not saying anything to her.

And he can't say shit to save his fucking life!

"What's his problem?" she asked, pointing towards the kitchen. "He never talks to me."

"Nah," Martavius shook his head, shoving his hands in his pockets. "He never talks at all."

"Except to you."

He looked at her, tilting his head slightly. "He's my friend."

"I see," she mumbled.

Martavius sat down beside her, his hands falling onto his knees as he looked at her. "What's up?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. "You straight?"

Kolson's eyes fell on him as she tried not to roll them. "I'm fine. Can't you tell?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Nah, not really."

She sighed, leaning back on the couch, hating not having anyone to talk to about her situation. Aaliyah was out with Khaiyon and they hadn't been back for a week.

They get a whole ass vacation and I get to listen to my nigga fuck some bitch upstairs.

"Killian's upstairs with Snow," she explained, shrugging as though she didn't care. "No big deal though. It's all good."

Martavius squinted at her knowingly. He stood up and offered her his hand. She looked up at him inquisitively. He didn't say anything. He only waited for her to take his hand.

Finally, she gave in and placed his hand in hers and allowed him to pull her off of the couch. They walked silently upstairs to his bedroom. He shut the door and walked her to the bed, gently pushing her down.

"What are you doing?" she asked, looking up at him surprised.

"You frettin' over a nigga that can do what any other nigga can do and better," he explained, pulling her shorts down. "Let me show you what my tongue can do, ma," he whispered, before diving his head between her legs.

Kolson threw her head back in the purest of agony as her eyes rolled to the back of her head, her moans sounding heavenly through the air. Martavius held her legs still, enjoying the taste of her sweet nectar.

* * * * * * *

Killian sighed, closing the door and shaking his head. "Where the fuck is this girl at?" he asked himself in annoyance.

He had spent fifteen minutes looking for Kolson and was now finally coming to terms that she was nowhere to be found. "I mean, there's not many places she could have gone. She don't know nothing about this place," he grumbled, looking around.

"Nigga, who is you talking to?" Jaylon asked, walking into the foyer.

Killian turned around to face his friend. "Where you even come from?" he asked, raising an eyebrow at him. He shook his head. "Anyway, have you seen Kolson?" he asked impatiently. Jaylon looked at him with a small smirk on his face. "What?" he asked.

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