Chapter Fourteen✔️

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Chapter Fourteen: I Like Her Happy

"DO you guys want anything to eat?" Killian asked, leaning against the wall in Snow's room. The two looked at each other before looking back at him. "You guys have to take up with each other whether or not your stomachs are interested in food?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I'm hungry," Aaliyah mumbled, looking at him.

His eyes dawned on her and he fought the urge to walk over to her and snatch her to her feet, kissing her like his life depended on it. He thought he would never hear her voice again, she refused to talk to him.

No matter what she said, it always went through Snow and she always had a witty remark to put with it. "Then come get something to eat."

"What are we having?" Snow spoke up. "Please don't tell me it's that rich white people food." Aaliyah and Killian looked at her through squinted eyes. "What? Just because I'm white I can't enjoy some fried chicken and macaroni or something?" she asked, raising an eyebrow, seeming offended.

"We didn't say anything," Aaliyah chuckled, raising her hands as if to surrender.

"Thought so. I'm tired of Lucas's calamari and mushrooms. Like who eats squid and mushrooms?" she asked, sliding into her chair and wheeling towards the door. "Who eats squid, actually? Move," she stated firmly, once approaching Killian. He slid to the side, allowing her out. "Who does that?" she asked herself aloud as she rolled down the hallway. She could still be heard, engaging in a monologue with herself.

Aaliyah laughed, grabbing her crutches, hopping to her feet. "Here," Killian offered, helping her off of the bed. Despite the warning Nathaniel gave him, he couldn't just stand in front of her and watch her struggle without offering the tiniest bit of assistance. She stood straight with his help, settling on her foot, looking up at him.

He looked down at her quietly. Neither of them knew what to say to each other. The last conversation didn't go over too well. "Thanks," she mumbled, realizing they had been staring for some time. She stepped away with her crutch and turned to the door.

Martavius stood in the doorway with his arms folded across his chest, watching the two quietly. "You done?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. Aaliyah turned and looked at Killian before back at him.

"We haven't started," she mumbled, hobbling to the door. "And we won't either."

He stood by, watching her hop down the hallway, looking back at Killian. "I was just helping her to-"

"I saw what you were doing," he interrupted, not really caring for explanations. She wasn't his girl and he couldn't find it in himself to care much about what the two did. Although, he did care about the friendship his two friends had and he knew that if Killian didn't step back it would be nonexistent and soon all over a girl. "But I don't think Nathaniel would care what you were doing. He asked you to leave her alone so maybe that's something you should do," he suggested walking away before anything else could be said.

He sighed, running his hand through his hair before walking out of the room and meeting up with everyone else in the dining room.

"Turns out it is fried chicken," Snow explained with a mouthful of white meat. "Although, I do prefer dark meat," she stated, eyeing Martavius slyly. Aaliyah smacked her friend's arm, shaking her head. "What? KFC's dark meat is amazing. I can't remember the last time I've had some," she explained, chuckling.

"Is it just you two that stay in this huge place?" Aaliyah asked Killian and Martavius while looking around the room tentatively.

Sky high white ceilings, with tall columns in each corner of the room. To the left was the main room with a large window that stretched across the entire room from left to right and went from the floor to the ceiling. The furniture; white leather sofas and chairs with a large, glass coffee table in the middle of the room. Off to the right, sat a grand piano that looked expensive with age.

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