Chapter Twelve✔️

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Chapter Twelve: And You Are?

"WHERE did you find her?" Nathaniel asked, staring at Killian and Martavius. "Where was she? You knew where she was the entire fucking time?" he demanded.

Martavius crossed his arms over his chest rather bored. "Hey, I was just called to pick them up. I'm just the Uber. An unappreciated one at that."

"Oh, well did they pay you?"

"Hmm, who would have. The girl with a ribs cut wide the fuck open or the girl with her deformed leg, because I'm almost positive the shit is broken and I don't think the last thing on their fucking mind was paying me to take them from the hospital. Especially considering they were both knocked the fuck out," he stated boredly.

"Then stop fucking complaining! Where did you find her?" he asked, turning his attention to Killian. "What happened to them anyway? Why does my girl have a broken leg?"

"Your girl?" he asked.

Nathaniel stood up and stared down at the man. "My. Fucking. Girl. Do we have a problem?" he dared, staring down at the boy. "She's always been mine."

Killian looked aside, thinking things over. He always knew she seemed familiar, but he didn't think he would be unfortunate enough to fall for the one girl his friend was madly in love with.

Life just couldn't get any better.

"She was at Lucas' place. She got caught in the system and was sold off to Lucas," he explained. "I don't know when she got there, but she's been there for a while. I would say a couple weeks."

No wonder she hadn't been answering my texts. She's been gone since she went to the fair weeks ago. I knew something wasn't right. She's so far from home.

"She was trying to get away from Lucas and her and her friend got hit by a car."

"Damn," Nathaniel whispered, turning around and staring at the wall.

Thank God she's still alive. I don't know what I would have done if I had lost her again, and permanently this time.

"I fucking love this girl."

I know you do. Just protect her now.

"So what do we do?" Killian asked tiredly.

"You don't do a fucking thing. Don't touch her. Don't talk to her. Don't breathe her air. If you want one, you can have the white bitch. If you ever touch Aaliyah, I'll fucking kill you with my bare hands, Killian."

Martavius stood by, not saying much. There was no way he would involve himself in that. "Hey guys, what's going on?" Jahmez asked, walking into the room in his usual chipper attitude. He was always the happiest of the bunch. He stopped mid step, looking between the three. "What's going on? Are y'all about to stab me? I just walked through the door. I brought-"

"Will you shut the fuck up!" Jaylon spat from the couch. "And pass me one of the doughnuts you brought."

He raised the bag, handing him the doughnuts. "So, what's going on?"

"Aaliyah's here," Martavius explained. Jahmez's mouth fell open, hearing the news.

"Wh- When did this happen?" he stuttered, looking at his friend, Nathaniel in shock. "Where is she?" he asked, looking around the room. "I don't see her. Do y'all see her? I didn't think she was real. I mean, her pictures were just too fucking se-"

"Shut the fuck up!" everyone in the room yelled.

Jahmez sucked on his teeth. "Maaan, gimme my shit," he grumbled, snatching his doughnuts from Jaylon and storming out of the room.

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