Chapter Ten✔️

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Chapter Ten: You're Next

"ESTÚPIDO!" he yelled in the phone receiver, shaking his head in distaste. "Dónde esta ella?" -where is she?

Clarissa stood quietly, listening to Nathaniel throw demands into the receiver in his native tongue. She knew when he spoke everything, but English, there was a serious problem.

"Encontrar ella ahora!" He turned to see Clarissa standing in the door and she cleared her throat, her heart pounding in her chest. "Qué quieres?"

She just, staring at him in fear. "I'm sorry, sir?" she asked, frightened.

He sighed, lowering the phone to his side. "What is it, Clarissa?"

"Oh, Mr. Vanderwaal is here?" she mumbled.

"The last person I want to deal with right now is this bastard," he mumbled to himself. "Send him in." He picked the phone back up. "Tengo que irme. Contrar a su, favor? Gracias."

Lucas came strolling in with his arms resting behind his back. He took in the room, fairly impressed. Nathaniel's place was much bigger than he had imagined. His father had done him well in the long line of family income.

Nathaniel put his phone in his pocket, looking at the older man tiredly. He had not planned to meet with him until the next week. "So, what's so important you had to stop by instead of calling?" he asked, sitting down in a nearby chair.

Lucas copied his actions, sitting across the room from him. "Well, I had some pretty interesting news that I figured you would want in person."

He nodded, looking at him. "Let me have it."

"Well, it turns out that getting your friend off of this girl wasn't going to be as hard as I thought," he began. "He ruined everything before I could even open my mouth."

Nathaniel looked at him sideways before asking Clarissa to bring them both drinks. "What do you mean?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. "What could he have possibly done?"

"He called her a whore."

Nodding, he immediately understood. "Yeah, females hate that word. Even if they are whores. Is she?" he asked. "A whore, I mean. Is she a whore?"

Lucas shook his head, kindly accepting the drink given to him and taking a small sip. "No, as far as I know, she's never even had oral before, I doubt she's had sex."

"How would you know if she's gotten head before?" he questioned, looking at Lucas in disgust.

Lucas only smirked, waving his hand as if to dismiss the topic. "That's for another time, son. Back to the subject at hand, you don't have to worry about your friend."

"I wasn't, but continue."

"But now, you have to worry about quite a few people who offered to buy her the other night. My phone's been ringing for hours. The last 48 hours, my poster girls were all they talked about. They were supposed to be advertising my newbies, but they ended up advertising themselves. Who would have thought?"

Nathaniel looked at him through squinted eyes. "Everyone," he stated with a bored expression. "You advertise what you want to sell. You don't advertise a diamond encrusted Rolex with intentions to sell a plastic G Shock."

"What's a G Shock?" he asked, looking at him sideways.

"My point exactly," he mumbled, shaking his head. "Anyways, you received my money wired to your account the second we made the deal last night, so she's mine. Besides, from what I understand, I paid six times as much as you originally did for her. I want her at my place by tomorrow. No one else's deals matter."

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