Chapter Eight✔️

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Chapter Eight: Don't Touch

THE light shining through the window, blinded Aaliyah out of her sleep. Shielding her eyes with her hand, she rolled over and jumped a little, upon coming across a giant teddy bear lying on her bed beside her.

"What the?"

A little note was stuck to her ear. She yanked the paper off, seeing Lucas' signature on the back of it. Flipping the small piece of paper over, she read the front.

"You deserve a little more than a good licking. You're one of a kind and you've earned a break. Enjoy the bear until I get back."

She threw the paper to the side and looked at the teddy bear once again. It was almost the size of her.

Pushing the blankets off of her body, she froze once her eyes fell upon her legs. He kissed every inch of her from the waist down. He wasn't stingy with his lips either. He made sure she knew it was him that was making her feel the way she did.

The most amazing feeling she had ever experienced before in her life. No man had ever touched her the way he had and he did it with skillful hands and lips.

Aaliyah closed her eyes tightly before climbing out of bed and walking into the bathroom, turning on the shower. She stepped out of the rest of her clothes and into the shower.

The second the water touched her body and ran down it, tears began to pour from her eyes. She sat on the floor, hugging her knees tightly, hating herself for what happened the previous night. "I'm so sorry, Khaiyon!" she cried out, digging her nails deep into her skin. "I'm so sorry!"

The hate she harbored for herself was beginning to grow stronger than the hate she had for Lucas and Mr. King combined.

"How could you? Why didn't you make him stop?"

What could I have possibly done that would have helped the situation?

"You could have kicked him or punched him or something! You control me! You just let me lay there and take it! Khaiyon's gonna hate me! He's never gonna want to touch me, ever! You could have stopped him!"

And what? Risk getting beat again? It's not something I want to go through again. Khaiyon will be fine. He doesn't have to know anything.

"You didn't go through anything! You didn't feel anything!"

I am you! I am you in every way possibly! We are us! Together, I am you and you are me!

Aaliyah sat in the tub, crying aloud. The mental battle she went through did nothing to help the situation either. "I'm so stupid!"

We're stupid. It's not just you. You're doing everything you can to survive.

"We could have tried harder or something," she whispered, staring at the wall. "We could have done something."

Yes, but you can't take another beating. You're not ready for that. Just do what you're told and we'll figure something out from there. Khaiyon will have to understand and if he doesn't then he's not the one for you. You're the one having to survive by any means necessary right now. Not him.

Shower and get yourself together. And do as you're told. You have to get through this if you ever want to see your family again or even Khaiyon.

Aaliyah knew she was right. She stood and showered, getting out of the tub shortly after, drying her body. Looking at the clothes, she sighed. They didn't seem like the most comfortable things on the planet, but they concealed something. She got dressed and opened the door, peaking out.

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