CHAPTER ONE: It's Been So Long

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You still into Leon Kennedy, I see. Why Leon-- why not Chris? 

but I don't blame you...Leon is always the better one xD 

Anyways...if your familiar with my there will be a ton of mistakes and sentences that don't make sense. You're just gonna have to figure it out as you go. Sorry. 

Your Name =  (Y/n)

Last Name = (L/n)

Enjoy xD


(Y/n)- " Just a couple more hours..." I say under my breathe. I tap my fingers the edge of the arm rest, I check my phone to see if I got any messages from my roommate. Nothing, I just hope she's watching my cat, (cat name). I don't care for my plants...To be honest those plants were already dead in the first place. I don't know why I even buy plants-- I always forget to water them. I rest my chin on my hand-- looking at the beautiful clouds in the sky. It's a really nice view. Beep..beep. My phone vibrates in my lap. I picked it up and saw the name "Ashley" on the notifications bar. I grin to see her checking up on me. After all, she's the one who put me on this private plane. Ashley Graham, The presidents daughter. Also known as my best friend for 4 years. I can't believe she talked me into coming to visit her at her school...I have my own things to here at home...but she convinced me with shopping and our late night hour snacking. I chuckle at the thought of past late night snacking...we over board that one night. I replied to her text with a smiley face and a thank you--for bringing me out here on her dads private plan emoji. Another text popped up, a name I didn't want to see. It's him, I looked into the next chat. He wants to talk when I get back from my trip. Agghh-- I've been avoiding this situation for a month now, does he not get that I just don't want to be with him anymore? I deleted his text chat and locked my phone. I continued to look out the window before my mind starts to play my past memories of him.

(Attendant)- " Miss (L/n), would you like something to eat?" the flight attendant came by to ask.

(Y/n)- " Oh--no thanks. I'm okay" I say softly. The attendant smiled and walked to the back of the plane.

Beep...beep. My phone goes off again. Please don't let it be him, I just deleted his chat. I checked my phone and it wasn't him but Ashley, its like having a little sister, it makes sense since she's 20 and I'm 24. She asks" When are you going to get here?" I shake my head and grin. " Hold your horses, bitch" I replied back to her. She couldn't wait till the beginning of the year? 

(Time Skip)

We just landed and out there was Ashley and a car waiting for me. I step out of the plan and I hear her shouting and waving for me. I couldn't help but giggle and wave back to her. I carried my luggage down with me until I reached the bottom step.

(Ashley)- " Finally! The sun is already setting. I missed you" she attacked me with a hug. I placed my luggage down to hug her back. The driver of the car took my luggage and placed it in the trunk.

(Y/n)- " How's it going blondie?"

(Ashley)- " I'm doing good, (Nickname). Finally get to spend time with my best friend " she lets go of the hug.

(Y/n)- " Right, you couldn't wait a couple more months. I have stuff I have to do ya know-- adult things" I playfully slap her shoulder.

(Ashley)- " Adult things? Your far beyond being an adult." she laughs.

(Y/n)- " Hey-- I got my apartment to pay for, my car...its not easy with my job that I have"

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