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(Time Skip)

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(Time Skip)

(Y/n)-"Can't believe you risked yourself for a cup." I smirked. We continued walking the end of the hall.

(Leon)- " Well, it got us through didn't it?" he grins back. I look away and continue on. Leon opened the door and letting us go through first. He comes in after and...shit....heights again. I look up to the high cieling. What the hell is that? Ugh-- I shouldn't ask myself that anymore.. This place is strange and sick-- I just wanna get across and get to the safe zone. I felt a gust of wind fly by with a large figure--grabbing a hold of Ashley.

As she screams-- by instinct I grabbed a hold of her leg, clinging on to keep her grounded but I was lifted off ground. I stare down at Leon, who had the look of strong concern for our safety. I lost grip on Ashley's boot and gravity takes me down. I scream as I fall-- Leon ran towards me and caught me at the last second and with both fall on the ground with me on top of him again. We both stood up and tried to see what exactly took Ashley. It was some kind of large insect-- damn! It happened so fast.

(Leon)- " Great. More of them!" he sounded irritated. An insect made its way in between the space and shoved both Leon and I away from each other. I landed on my shoulder but scrapped the side of my right cheek as well. Once I turn to face up-- an insect climbs onto top of me shrieking in my face. I scream at the sight of the bug in my face. The giant multiple red eyes and the saliva dripping down its mouth-- at least I think its saliva. Leon tackled the insect off of me and dealt with it with a bullet in its mouth.

(Leon)- " Go-- behind the door, now!" I did as I was told and ran towards the door we just came from. I bursted through and waited for Leon. Behind him was swarm of insects just crawling closly behind him.

(Leon)- " Close it!" He slipped through just when the door closed. He tossed behind a green grenade.

(Y/n)- " Oh shit--" he grabbed a hold around me and leans me against the wall and shielded my body using his. I clinged to his harness and waited for the bugs to be gone. He slowly releases me and goes towards the door and opens it to find nothing but shiny glass pieces on the ground.

(Y/n)- " Ashley..."

(Leon)- " We'll get her back, I promise" he ensures.

(Y/n)- " We have to" I rubbed my cheek and the pain stung.

(Y/n)- "Ahh--" Leon stepped towards me and places his thumb and index finger on my chin. Tilting my head to the side to inspect my flesh wound. He takes the makeshift bandage that I placed around his arm and held it in his hand. He takes a first aid spray that he mixed in with some herbs and sprays it on my wound. He takes the rag bandage and pats it gently on my cuts.

(Y/n)- " That's kinda gross" I faintly chuckled.

(Leon)- " You helped me right?" he grins. I couldn't help but smile at him.

(Y/n)- " I think I'll be fine" my ears make a twitch, I hear something in the distance.

(Y/n)- "You hear that?"

(Leon)- " Hear what?" he says without breaking the stare. It's gotta be my mind messing with me.

(Y/n)- " I'm just probably hearing things" I'm not hearing things--another bug comes in at high speed. I shoved Leon away and sacrificed myself instead. I turned around to see if Leon can grab a hold of me but it was too late. The insect gripped me tight , Leon reached out for me-- reaching out I was able to only feel his finger tips.

(Y/n)- " Leon! " I screamed for him.

(Leon)- " (Y/n)!" I hear him down below.

(Time Skip)

The insect dropped me a few feet from the air, ahh shit... I look back at the bug and it shrieks crawling  away through a drain pipe. I was in a nice royalty kind of room. No ones was here-- suddenly a door opens and in comes, Salazar, Ashley and his goons.

(Ashley)- " (Y/n)!" she ran towards me and embraces me.

(Salazar)- " Nice for you to finally join us. (Y/n)" he says my name very politely.

(Y/n)- " Salazar.. " I frowned at the looks of him. One of his henchmen came towards us with a staff and instructs us to kneel down next to Salazar's throne. We headed over and kneeled...his two henchmen stood on our left and right keeping us secure next to Salazar.

(Y/n)- " You know your short little ass is going to die as soon as Leon shows up" I barked at him.

(Salazar)- " I'm afraid you're wrong, (Y/n). I don't think Mr. Scott Kennedy won't make it out of this room" he laughs to himself.

(Ashley)- " What happened-- I thought you were with Leon" Ashley whispers.

(Y/n)- " Another swarm took me."

(Ashley)- " What're we gonna do?" she says with tremble in her voice.

(Y/n)- " Wait for Leon, he'll come and find us." I sat down with my legs folded. All we can do is wait. I rested my eyes and tried to conserve my energy. I hear Salazar giggle to himself. I open one eye to see whats he's doing.He was on a radio.

(Salazar)- " Did you see us Mr. Kennedy?" I can hear Leon's voice on the other end.

(Leon)- " Salazar!"

(Salazar)- " Even (Y/n) dropped in to join us" he says smiling towards me. I shut my eye and tried to play it off like I'm not listening.

(Leon)- " If you scratch her, I'll break your bones." I hear him warn Salazar. Leon seems really concerned for us...gahh..Leon, please hurry..


It's really late...I'm tired and I can't stay up anymore, will post more tomorrow <3

P.s  Done typing everything out just need to post it xD 

- A.

One Step Closer (RE4: Leon Kennedy x Reader) [Book#1] [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now