CHAPTER TEN: The Water Room

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(Time Skip)

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(Time Skip)

Once we managed to get through the door with the sword exchange, I managed to breathe in relief. Once again we don't know whats up ahead. Back outside we go, this castle..its really strange and has a really weird layout.

(Leon)- " You look worried" he spoke out of nowhere.

(Y/n)- " Just concerned, never know whats going to pop up next..."

(Leon)- " Everything's gonna be fine" he pats my head for a quick second. I was caught off guard. Ashley saw and she gives me a look, like one of those looks. Stop it you creep!

(Luis)- "Leon!" we all turn behind us to see Luis jogging his way to catch up to us.

(Y/n)- " Told you.Never know whats gonna pop up" I whisper for Leon to hear. He chuckles under his breath.

(Leon)- " Luis"

(Luis)- " I got something for you guys" he starts to dig into his pocket, front and back.

(Luis)- " Uh... What?! Oh, shit! I must have dropped it when I was running away from them."

(Ashley)- " Dropped what?"

(Luis)- "A drug that'll stop your convulsions. Look, I know you are carriers. You've been coughing up blood, right?" he looks to the three of us-- one at a time.

(Leon)- "...Yeah"

(Luis)- " And you two?" back at the lake, I coughed up blood....

(Ashley & (Y/n) )- " Yeah"

(Luis)- "Damn it! The eggs have hatched. We don't have much time."

(Leon)- "What are you talking about?"

(Luis)- " I have to go back and get it." he starts to walk away, he's not his smart mouth usual self. I wanna help him if he stayed this serious instead of the Luis I met in the beginning 

(Y/n)- " Let me come with you--" I take a step forward,

(Luis)- " No, you stay here with Leon. He is better with the ladies.I'm sure."

(Leon)- " Why are you--"

(Luis)- "It makes me feel better. Let's just leave it at that." He starts to walk away again leaving us three. He's acting different...but I kinda of hate him a little less now. 

(Time Skip)

Finally, some place warm and with lighting....wait, someplace warm and with lighting is never a good thing. Climbing the stairs we heard a muffled laughs-- but couldn't contain themselves. A wicked laugh echoed this entire room. Leon stopped once he reached the top of the stairs, we clung close to him. Looking above to see a tiny person walking over the balcony with a stupid smug look on his face.

(Salazar)-" I was starting to wonder when you might notice us."

(Leon)- " Who are you?"

(Salazar): "Me llamo Ramon Salazar, the eighth Castellan of this magnificent architecture. I have been honored with the prodigous power from the great Lord Saddler. I've been expecting you, my Bretherns." he says and takes a prideful bow.

One Step Closer (RE4: Leon Kennedy x Reader) [Book#1] [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now