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(Time Skip)

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(Time Skip)

Once we recovered from the crash from the machine. We entered the door in front of us, there stands the merchant waiting for us to make a purchase. Leon goes to him and probably is browsing his little shop.

(Ashley)- " Wow-- that was scary."

(Y/n)- " Your driving was insane, but you got us this far."

(Ashley)- " At least we're alive. Thats all that counts."

(Y/n)- " Yeah...I just hope everything runs smoothly from here on out". I look to Leon and he nods for us to continue on. We headed to the second door to continue this horrific adventure. Once we passed the door, there standing at the staircase was Saddler with his back towards us.

(Saddler)- "I can feel them. Growing ever so strongly inside you." he turns around to speak to us clearly.

(Leon)- " Saddler!" Leon charges towards him, Saddler held up his hand and Leon comes to a sudden stop. He places his hand on his chest--shouting in extreme pain. It brings down him down to his knees. Saddler is controlling Leon-- it must be the parasite inside his body!

(Saddler)- "Perhaps you can resist, but you cannot disobey."

(Y/n)- " Saddler-- stop it-- let him go! " I shout at him. He darts his eyes to Ashley and I next.

(Saddler)- " You didn't think I forgot about the two of you?" Saddler waves the same hand at Leon over to us. I gasp and something snaps in my head. I feel myself exit my body and something else takes over. 


(Leon)- " Agghhh--" The pain-- my chest feels like it's going to burst any second. Damn it, Saddler! I look back to Ashley and (Y/n). They raise their heads simultaneously--their eyes have changed color. Saddler has taken over them.

(Saddler)- "Now, come to me, girls" Ashley and (Y/n) start heading towards Saddler. Aghh--I extend my arm out and grabbed whoever was closest to me-- (Y/n). The pain became to extreme but I pulled (Y/n) down to the ground with me as soon as the pain hit me like a wave. She groans and tries to get free from me. I managed to take out a homing beacon tracker and toss it onto Ashley before she gets too far from me.

(Saddler)- " So be it." he leaves with Ashley by his side. The pain starts to fade away as soon as Saddler leaves the room. (Y/n) stopped fighting me back but she wasn't being herself--her eyes were still red. I sat her up-- maybe I can snap her out of it.

(Leon)- " Hey--(Y/n), wake up!" I shook her shoulders but she wasn't coming to.

(Leon)- " Come on-- snap out of it" I grab the side of her face gently and tapped the side of her cheek with my fingers.She blinks constantly-- the red eyes starts to fade revealing her true eye color.

(Y/n)-" Le-Leon-- wh--what happened?" she starts to panic and worry.

(Leon)- "It's alright--- your okay" she looks around and searches for Ashley.

(Y/n)- "Where's Ashley?"

(Leon)- " Saddler took her."

(Y/n)- "Wha--what?"

(Leon)- " Don't worry-- we'll get her back. Come on." 


(Time Skip)

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(Time Skip)

Leon has been quiet for a long time. He hasn't said a word..with each step I take-- the metal platform clanks and echoes around the area. I continue on but I look back to see Leon slowing down his pace.

(Y/n)- " What is it?"

(Leon)- " Go on ahead and hide"

(Y/n)- "Wha--"

(Leon)- " Trust me.Go--now." I nodded and went off to look for a safe spot. I climbed down a ladder to a lower level plateform. This still isn't safe enough. I found another ladder leading to lower ground. Once I reached the bottom-- I can hear some clanking and knives scrapping together. What is going on? Is this what Leon wanted me to go up ahead? I really hope he's safe. I hear Leon speaking-- who is he talking to?

(Voice)- "Hmph. The sample Saddler developed, that's all." I hear his deep tone.

(Y/n)- " Leave the girls out of this!"

(Voice)- " Oh, I needed her to buy Saddler's trust in me."

(Leon)- " And (Y/n)-- why did you bring her in this?" he asked.

(Voice)- " Presidents daughter and her best friend. President's gonna pay a lot of money just to receive them back" grrr-- you bastard. I see Leon! Him and another body figure fall back but flip themselves over to land back on their feet. It was a large body builder type man, looks like the stone cold killer type.

(Leon)- "You got her involved just for that?!" he raises his voice. Haven't heard him shout like that-- it's kind of scary. They start going at it with with knives again--aahh! I can't look. I turn away and cover my eyes. I hear Leon straining-- a shot fired! I turned back looking up to see Leon kicking the guy off of him and getting back to his feet.

(Leon)- "Ada!" he calls out. I look above and there was a woman in the far distance. A woman in red-- that's her! The red shadow I saw earlier today! She's helping? But why? The larger guy knew he was outnumbered-- he jumps off flying a good feet away.

(Large man)- " You may be able to prolong your life, but it's not like you can escape your inevitable death, is it?" he runs off leaving, Ada and Leon to speak to one another. I can't hear what they're saying though-- but she leaves Leon as well. I finally hear him coming down the ladder with no noise coming off of him. Once he steps down he turns to face me.

(Y/n)- "...Your bleeding" I noticed he had a cut on his right cheek.

(Leon)- " I'm alright, you were okay back here?"

(Y/n)- " Yeah....who were those two?"

(Leon)- " No one important, come on" he starts to head off. 

One Step Closer (RE4: Leon Kennedy x Reader) [Book#1] [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now