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(Time Skip)

(Ashley)- " (Y/n), wake up!" I jolted up from my sleep. I cough slightly and yawn. The sun was shinning through the curtains slightly blinding me. I fell aslleep on the couch? What the hell was I watching? I look to the tv that was still on. I grabbed the remote from the floor and shut off the tv.

(Y/n)- " What time is it?" I ask as I yawn once more.

(Ashley)- " Like" she steps into the living room. Green plaid skirt, brown knee high boots, and an orange turtleneck with no sleeves, to make the outfit completely she wore a small sweater and tied it around like a scarf.

(Y/n)- " You're leaving?"

(Ashley)- " Yeah, I got school"

(Y/n)- " Hm..have fun" I say as I grunt leaning up, my back was in a little pain. This couch kinda sucks.

(Ashley)- " I'll be home later, we're still going shopping" she says as she walks out the house.

(Y/n)- "Alone at last!" I shout. I cover my mouth-- I should go brush them first. I stood up from the couch and headed upstairs. Stretching my arms on the way up. I head into the guest bedroom where I was suppose to be. I lower down to unzip my luggage full of clothes. I grab a new pair of underwear and a matching bra to go with it. I picked out some dark blue skinny jeans and a army green top. I've worn this outfit before, I've gotten so many compliments on this outfit. Pfft, and Ashley says I got no style.

(Time Skip)

After a nice warm shower and breakfast, I am in paradise in my sisters home. If I was back at my apartment, I'd be.....Probably doing the same thing, or at work. I texted my roommate if everything is okay back home, she replied with "yep"....I don't like the sound of that. I checked the time on my phone, its arleady 12. How long are Ashley's classes? maybe I'll go pick her up? I texted her letting her know I'm going to pick her up. She replied right away before I can set my phone down. "Pay attention in class!" I replied back to her.

I went over the front door to put on my boots I placed down here earlier. I didn't want to call a driver-- I can manage to drive myself. I grabbed Ashley's care keys, I unlocked the front door and exit out--locking the door behind me. I pressed the starter button on her keys and the car starts. Opening up the driver side door, I get inside and put the key in the ignition. I leave the driveway and onto the streets.

(Time Skip)

I enjoy my little pastry outside the cafe shop just across the street from Ashleys school. How the hell is she not out yet, she knows I'm picking her up. I texted her--asking where she is. She'll be out soon she says. My ringtone rings and the name showing on screen was him..again. Its the third time he's called. I'll just answer and tell him to stop calling.

(Y/n)- "Hello."

(phone)- " Hey-- I've been trying to reach you"

(Y/n)- "Yeah I know"

(phone)- " I've been wanting to talk to" I spot Ashley and her friends finally coming out of the school.

(Y/n)- " I'm visiting a friend right now..can we not do this right now."

(phone)- " Yeah, maybe..when you get back. I'll keep in touch."

(Y/n)- " Bye" I hung up the phone before he says something else. Her friends trail away from her. Ashley crosses the street and heads towards me. I open my arms and give her a "what took you so damn long?" look.

(Ashley)- " Sorry, my friends and I had to stay late-- we were studying."

(Y/n)- " That's fine-- beats shopping with you" I say taking a bite of my pastry.

(Ashley)- " Did you eat already?"

(Y/n)- " Yeah, just eating some desert." She sits in the chair next to me, as she gets comfortable-- she takes a piece of my pastry.

(Y/n)- " Hey-- get your own!"

(Ashley)- " Oh--whatever"

(Time Skip)

The sun was setting and we're still here. We're about to head back home to have dinner. I reached for the car keys.

(Ashley)- " I'm driving" she held out her hand for me to give her the car keys.

(Y/n)- " I don't think so"

(Ashley)-" My car--my keys"

(Y/n)- " Fine" I gave in and tossed her keys. We head down the block to get to the car, I'm curious what's going to be for dinner. Ugh-- I shouldn't have ate that pastry. What happen to working out? My back gets the shivers, I had this bad feeling surrounding me, I looked around and people were just passing by like nothing. Maybe its just the nice weather giving me shivers.

(Ashley)- " Hey you okay?"

(Y/n)-" Uhh..yeah everything cool"

I feel like someones watching us,lurking behind...I look behind and there was no one there, keep it together (Y/n)'re being paranoid. It's nothing but the wind. I continue to walk when someone held onto me and covered my mouth and nose with a rag. My arms spaz out around and tried to scream. Ashley heard my muffles and screams-- she tried to help me out but a strange looking man tried to grab her from behind. I was slowly fading out...eyes getting heavy and getting sleepy. I was being dragged away-- Ashley's mouth and nose were covered with a rag---wha--what's going on.... My eyes completely close...and everything goes dark.

One Step Closer (RE4: Leon Kennedy x Reader) [Book#1] [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now