CHAPTER NINE: The Big Cheese

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(Time Skip)

As we head further into this strange part of Europe...we head down to a path with blue flames near the end. The merchant, he's back...I wonder how does he get around and sets up shop for us? Leon goes over to probably make a deal with him. Ashley still clinging to me...not wanting to be alone again. A few moments go by and I start to hear Leon's footsteps approaching...nothing but mud getting squish underneath his boots.

(Y/n)- " Got everything?"

(Leon)- " Yeah, all set. Let's go" he walks ahead of us,we follow tailing behind him giving him some room to relax. There blocking our path was a metal gate, Leon opened it--surprising to me it was unlocked. Once through, going down the path again was a barn. The wind blew harshly giving Ashley and I the shivers. I have a really, really... bad feeling about this. Drawing closer to the barn--staring at sounds...if I had spider mans senses...I would get get a tingling feeling right about now.

(Leon)- " You guys should stay out here" Ashley nods but I disagree.

(Y/n)- " I'm coming with you"

(Leon)- " Not a chance" he smirks.

(Y/n)- " Ashley-- go hide" I whisper to her.

(Ashley)- "Yeah?" she says in confusion and runs off. I show dominance to Leon..I'm not leaving his side. He could use a partner.

(Leon)- " My job is to protect--"

(Y/n)- " The President Daughter, I'm just the bonus, that Saddler guy said.. Ashley's more important than me, so I'm gonna help you" Leon stood there without making a sound.

(Leon)- " orders are to protect the presidents daughter and her best friend. I won't rest until I get you two home" he says softly--dropping his hand holding his pistol-- his other hand gently resting on my shoulder. He looks into my eyes and I look right back to him. I don't know if it's his charm trying to overpower me...but stay strong (Y/n)...

(Y/n)- " I know..but I'm not backing out now, you're gonna need all the help you can get" I stood my ground. Leon sighs with a grin on his face.

(Leon)- " Alright, theres no other way to convince you. Let's see what's inside" he opens the door for me and I enter in first. The door closes once Leon enters in last. Eyes scanning the was dark, cant see anything. Another gust of wind blew my hair-- I gasp a little...I felt a presence behind me. Leon and I turned around simultaneously. It's the big chief!

The chief brings forward his large boot and full force kicks me in the gut-- sending me flying far from Leon. I land on the hard dirt sliding making skid marks in the dirt.I cough--trying to catch my breath. I look up to see Leon being choked, his other hand being restrained.

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