CHAPTER SIX: Murky Water

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(Time Skip)

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(Time Skip)

(Leon)- " We can stop for a second." He says holstering his pistol to his thigh.

(Y/n)- " No it's fine, we gotta continue--looking for something to open that church door." I sat on a boulder to massage my ankle...Ow-- I think I might have sprained it while we were running away from that boulder...literally a scene pulled out of Indiana Jones.

(Leon)- " Take a few minutes for your ankle to heal up."

(Y/n)- "Really I'm fine" I stood up taking one step when it completely gave out, Leon caught me with one arm. I pushed away from him once I stared a little too long at him.

(Y/n)- " See, perfectly fine." I say limping up the hill to see whats ahead. I sat on the wooden log to rest my ankle from walking up here. I stare at the open water lake...wait-- what the hell is that?

(Y/n)- " Leon, come check this out" I waved for him. He walks up the path and lowers down. I scooted off the log to kneel next to him. He takes out his binoculars and looks towards the lake.

(Y/n)- " What is it?"

(Leon)- " Villagers. They're dumping a body in the water."

(Y/n)- " Jesus..why?"

(Leon)- " I came here with two spaniard policemen. One was staked and burned..."

(Y/n)- " Im guessing the other one is there....Why are they dumping his body in the water?"

(Leon)- " I don't know...but they're leaving."

(Y/n)- " I don't like this.." I continued to stare at the open water. Wait..the waters rumbling, somethings in the water. Something breaks the surface and comes out a huge monster whale thing! What the fuck is that!? We stared in horror that poor dead police man was food to this giant thing.

(Y/n)- "Holy fuck--" I fall back with my hands supporting my weight behind me. Leon continued to stay silent.

(Y/n)- " Please tell me were not going across." I say in panic and utterly scared.

(Leon)- " We have to if were gonna get Ashley out of that church" He says standing back on is feet. I stood up still limping but not as much. I follow Leon leading down closer to the monster's water lake home.

As we approach closer to the water, there floats a wooden motor boat. Leon walks towards the dock and investigates the tiny boat. I watched my step on the dock-- trying not to fall in...that whale of a monster is fucking is it swimming all around here?

(Leon)- " Looks usable"

(Y/n)- " about I stay here on land-- and you, go out there."

(Leon)- " I'm not leaving you behind, not without any protection."

(Y/n)- " Then leave me a gun or something-- I'm not going out there."

One Step Closer (RE4: Leon Kennedy x Reader) [Book#1] [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now