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(Time Skip)

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(Time Skip)

Jumping off the last step of the ladder, the smell of decaying garbage was surrounding us everywhere.I just hope the smell doesn't stick to my clothes...or hair. Leon walks towards the garbage chute, as I get closer-- the stronger the smell got. I cover my nose using my hand, but it's no filter.

(Y/n)- " Smells strong." I say muffled by my hand.

(Ashley)- "Ugh, it stinks." She says disgusted.

(Leon)- " Sure does."

(Y/n)- " Looks like were gonna have to go around right?" I looked to him. He turns and gives me slow grin, why is he giving me that loo-- oh He better not think what I think he's thinking...

(Y/n)- "No. Way" I said sternly.

(Leon)- " Way." He says nonchalantly before he grabs a hold of my hand. I grabbed Ashley's hand and pulled her with me.Leon walks off the edge of the chute as Ashley screams her way down. I shut my eyes and brace for impact. As finally landing at the bottom. I grunt at what I landed next to, some large garbage bags and some other things. I cough at the dust and fumes infecting my airspace. I clench both my hands but felt only one hand-- who's hand am I still holding? I look to each hand and I was holding onto a half gloved hand and some cold fingertips. It was Leon's hand. He shakes his head for a quick second and noticed we were still holding onto each other. He retrieves his hand back and quickly stands back on his feet.

(Y/n)- " Shit-- Leon are you out of your mind?"

(Leon)- "I knew you'd be fine if you landed on your butt." He says handing out his hand to help the both of us.

(Y/n)- " A little heads up would be nice.." I accepted his hand. He pulled me up first, still waiting for Ashley to accept. She looks down beside her and tries to figure out what she landed on, it looks like some spiky...thing?

(Ashley)-" What is this?"

(Y/n)- " Come on" he pulls her up. He takes out his pistol and pulls down the lever to open up the gate. Hearing the trash rattle behind us, the thing gets up by pulling all his weight up by its feet. It's body twitches and the raspy breathing-- what the hell is that!? Leon grabs my upper arm and pulls me in and Ashley. He closes the gate with another lever. As we continued he opened another one to open a second gate.

(Ashley)- " Great-- how are we gonna get across?"

(Y/n)- " Hey-- help me push this" I point to a large metal crate.

(Y/n)- " Keep him busy, Leon" I say as I started to push the metal crate across. Hmghmhm-- damn thing, It's heavier than I thought. After the crate tipped over landed to make a the rest of the bridge. We went over where it's safe.

(Y/n)- " Hey-- get inside" I say heading over to the garbage bin. Ashley opens the lid and heads inside. I closed it to keeep her safe. Leon was taking shots at that--- thing. Leon gets across and waits for it.

(Y/n)- " What the hell is that?"

(Leon)- " Don't know, best not to get close to it" he says reloading his weapon.

(Y/n)- " What should I do?"

(Leon)- " Get in the bin, it's too dangerous"

(Y/n)- "Ehh--"

(Leon)- " Trust me, you don't want to be around this thing."

(Y/n)- "A-alright" I opened up the lid to see Ashley look up in scared eyes. I told her to make room for me. She scooted aside and I stepped my foot in. I shut the lid above me--everything went dark. I hear the raspy breathing right near the bin-- this thing-- it's fucking freaky as shit.

(Ashley)- " I landed on that thing..." she whispered in panic.

(Y/n)- " We'll be fine, Leon's taking care of it"

(Ashley)- " Nice to see hope all over your face again." She quietly chuckles.

(Y/n)- " Yeah well--" I shrugged before Leon shots startle me, hearing the monster groan in pain. My body shook by the sudden startle.

(Ashley)- " So...when were saved from all think Leon is gonna stick around?"

(Y/n)- " His job is to bring us back home, not to mess around"

(Ashley)- " I see the way you look at him"

(Y/n)-" Look at who--Leon? "

(Ashley)- " No-- the villagers. Yes look at him like he's Superman-- and your Lois lane."

(Y/n)- " Ashley, shut up-- Leon is an government agent. He's trained to kill people if necessary, he doesn't have time for romance."

(Ashley)- " He has time for you.

(Y/n)- " Well-- gahh-- I don't want to talk about this anymore, I'm out of here" I place my hands on the lid about to open it.

(Ashley)- " Wha-- where are you going!?"

(Y/n)- " Getting out of this conversation" I opened the lid and jumps out. The raspy breathing was near by. I was looking at its backside but he slowly turns around to focus its next attack on me.

(Leon)- " Get down" he orders. I ducked and Leon fires a shot. The twitchy thing's body pulses and it's upper body half explodes. Blood splatters all over me-- pants and whats left of my shirt. Even got some on my arms and face.

(Y/n)- " Oh-- Oh my god!" I stared at the blood on my arms I couldn't wipe the blood off since I was already covered in it. I looked to Leon who steps towards me quietly laughing to himself.

(Y/n)- " You think this is funny?"

(Leon)- "Kinda, yeah" he stood infront looking down at me. He wipes away the blood off my face using his hands. He gently wipes the blood away on my cheeks and forehead. Don't blush, Don't blush, Don't blush. Ashley opens up the lid and notices our situation.

(Ashley)- " Can we please get going..." she searches around and gets out the bin.

(Leon)- " Yeah, let's get to it" 

One Step Closer (RE4: Leon Kennedy x Reader) [Book#1] [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now