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(Time Skip)

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(Time Skip)

There stands a merchant, does this guy have a home to get to? Any pets? I don't know. I sat on the metal steps waiting for Leon. Ashley sat a step below me.

(Ashley)- " So.." she whispers.

(Y/n)- " So...what? " I repeated.

(Ashley)- " are you gonna ask Leon..."

(Y/n)- " Ask him....what?" I was kinda get where she was going but I wanted her to elaborate.

(Ashley)- " You know....overtime" she chuckles. oh-geez...I can't ask a government agent for overtime...besides Leon would't want to stick around with us afterward.. After this he's probably missing his bed right now. I look back to gaze at him-- who was still making business. He has helped us...rescuing us without any rest. He's really done a lot. I don't know why but theres just something about Leon that I liked...

(Y/n)- "...I don't know." I sighed and turned my head back to face Ashley. I hear Leon's footsteps approaching behind me. I stood up to see what the plan is.

(Y/n)- " So?"

(Leon)- " Something's not right." he says checking his surroundings.

(Ashley)- " What do you mean?"

(Leon)- " You guys stay here, I'm gonna go check it out. I'll be back" he steps down the stairs but before he makes it to the bottom. By some odd reaction my hands reach out to his upper arm--stopping him from continuing forward. He looks at my hands then makes his way to my eyes. What the hell am I doing!? My hand slowly falls from his upper left arm descending to his forearm.

(Y/n)- "...uhh--be-be careful, Leon" I said nervously before I completely let go of him. He grins and does a quick nod. He walks off to the elevator ahead and pushes a button to raise up then he was gone.

(Ashley)- " ...Theres the sparklers..." she says in a hush singsong tone.

(Time Skip)

Ashley paces back and forth.. The multiple gun firing happening in the distance was killing the both of us, mostly Ashley. I know Leon can take care of himself. I ran my fingers through my messy dirty hair, I tug the bottom of my shirt down and fix my boots.

(Ashley)- " We should go check on him" she says as she comes to stop.

(Y/n)- " He told us to stay here"

(Ashley)- " Do you hear those gun shots.."

(Y/n)- " Will you just relax?"

(Ashley)- " Hey-- If you won't check on him, than I will" she heads over to the elevator and presses the button for it to come back. Is she really going to go? I stand up from the steps to stop her from doing something stupid.

One Step Closer (RE4: Leon Kennedy x Reader) [Book#1] [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now