CHAPTER FOUR: This Is Only The Beginning

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(Time Skip)

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(Time Skip)

(Leon)- "Hey. Hey--Wake up you two!"

(Luis)- "Ai yi yi..."

My body jolted itself awake--but I couldn't move my hands. Waking up from a harsh nap...I was fully awake by my hands and legs tied up. Even my mouth was covered with a dirty rag-- I don't know what stains this rag has-- but I can't puke-- I would choke on it.

(Leon)- "'re--" I look over to the other side of the room. Two guys tied up back to back, one with long brown hair and a hispanic look to him. The other, pale color skin--dirty blonde medium hair. I wasn't the only captive here-- but what is going on? I muffle to try to speak to them but it was no use--they wouldn't be able to understand me.

(Luis)-"Crawl out of one hole, and into another...hey--Señ don't look so good yourself." He interrupted the other guy, the hispanic man made a lazy wink. This is no pick up matter!

(Leon)-"You want to tell me what's going on here?"

(Luis)- "Americano, si? Now what brings a bloke like you to this part of the world?" The blonde haired guy--shuffles around his cuffs but the hispanic ends up groaning.

(Luis)- "Easy, whoever you are."

(Leon)- " My name's Leon, I came here looking for these girls." he manages to pull something out of his back pocket. It must've been a picture of me and Ashley.

(Luis)- " So that beautiful señorita, is the one your looking for? What, are you supposed to be a cop or something? Nah, you don't look the type." he scoffs.

(Leon)- "Maybe."

(Luis)-"Okay, Let me guess. You're here to rescue them...all by yourself?"

(Leon)-"Yeah" the spaniard laughs to himself--that Leon guy, he can't rescue us. One guy can't do it all.

(Luis)-" Nah, just kidding with you, amigo. I overheard one of the villagers talking something about the President's daughter and her friend being in the church. Well... one of them is here and the other..probably still there. "

(Leon)- " And who might you be?"

(Luis)-" Me llamo Luis Sera. I used to be a cop in Madrid. Now I'm just a good-for-nothing guy, who happens to be quite the ladies' man." he looks over and winks to me once more.

(Leon)-" Why'd you quit?"

(Luis)-" put your life on the line, no one really appreciates you enough for it.Being a hero isn't what it's cracked up to be anymore."

(Leon)-"Used to be cop myself. Only for a day though."

(Luis)-" I thought I was bad." I quietly chuckled to myself, they heard me and both stared at me..I couldn't say anything to say sorry for giggling.

One Step Closer (RE4: Leon Kennedy x Reader) [Book#1] [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now