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For once I'm like way ahead and have a lot typed out. Never happened before...but anyways, enjoy this chapter xD



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(Time Skip)


Damn it, it was my fault that (Y/n) got caught in that trap. I don't know what got over me-- I was just annoyed that she wouldn't listen to me, I was fine. I rest my head on my knee and take a deep breath in. Leon was running around in the maze garden...I can hear him shooting his gun killing whatever's in there. He told me to stay put near the door while he finds both half's of the key. Speak of the devil...he's here.

(Ashley)- " Did you find it?" I say getting up rushing to his side. The look on his face says "Yeah".

(Leon)- " Got em, right here" he says holding up his hand. He heads to the door and inserts the two stones. Click goes the door.

(Ashley)- " You did it, I'll go search that room over there and you search here for something" I say running off to the far room. Once I turned the corner-- there was the merchant guy! I muffled a shriek once I made eye contact with him. I started to look around having a watchful eye on the merchant.

(woman voice)- " Put your hands where I can see them." I hear a woman's voice order Leon. I hid back against the wall to hear them.

(Leon)- " Sorry, but following a lady's lead just isn't my style." He says nonchalantly. Oh wow, he sounds so cool...Leon is a really handsome guy.-- I would be all over him but he doesn't seem all that interested in me. He does seem interested in (Y/n)...I see the way he's protective of her. I mean..he protects me but in a agent doing his job sort of way.

(Woman)- " Put them up now." She says in a serious tone. I hear some footstepping around and shuffling in the room. I don't know what's going on-- but I'll stay here and wait till she's gone. 

(Time Skip)


(Y/n)- " (singing favorite song lyric) " I might have sang this song for hours...I'll laugh if it's only been ten minutes. I don't know where I's still too dark for my eyes to see anything.

(Y/n)- " Hello!? Leon! Ashley! I'm here!" nothing...nothing but silence. I think I'm losing it.Well... might as well think of my Will before I meet my ending doom. I'll give my cat to my parents, they won't mind. My dead plants-- well...I'll be joining them soon enough. Suddenly a bright white flash blinds my eyes giving me pain traveling up to my brain.

(Y/n)- "Ahh-- what the hell ?" I groan. I hear voices-- very distant that Leon-- Ashley?

(Leon)- "Luis! "I hear him call Luis's name, what's going on!?

One Step Closer (RE4: Leon Kennedy x Reader) [Book#1] [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now