CHAPTER THREE: Waiting For The End

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(Time Skip)

My eyes start to flutter open, my eyesight was blurry-- I couldn't make what I was staring at. I lift myself up from the ground. I wipe my right cheek-- realizing I was laying my face on the ground. Oh my god-- they have Ashley here too! I crawled to her and turned her over, she was still passed out.

(Y/n)- "Ashley...Ashley...wake up" I whisper and shook her shoulders. She groans and her eyes starts to open. Oh thank god..

(Ashley)-"Hhmmph...(Y/n)--wha--what's going on!?" she starts to come to and realize we've been kidnapped. She leans up and eyes wondering around the dim lit room. She starts to panic.

(Ashley)- " Where are we-- what's going on!?" she stands up circling around figuring out what to do.

(Y/n)-" Ashley--ash, calm down..." I grab her shoulders and try to clam her down. Whatever I said-- she was ignoring me.

(Ashley)- "(Y/n)-- (Y/n)-- what're we gonna do?!"

(Y/n)- " Relax! I'm gonna find out..and we're gonna get out of here" I released her shoulders and gazed around the room too. I stumble back knocking down a few wooden barrels. The light flickered and I saw a glimpse of a...door! Our only chance to get out--I ran up to the door and tried to open it. It wouldn't budge, no matter how hard I tried. I hit my hip against it--Why won't  this fucking door open! Why?! Why?! Why?! Oh my god... I run my fingers through my hair trying to figure a wayout of this.

(Y/n)- " Come on! Fucking open!" I shout-- I'm losing my patience.

(Ashley)- "(Y/n).." she takes a step forward towards me. I continue to bang on the door with my hip and try to turn the's fucking locked!

(Y/n)- " Fuck!" I lean back on the door and slid to the ground, I held my knees--holding myself. I kept my head in-between my knees to give myself a place to think. Ashley came closer and kneeled down in front of me. She places her cold hand on my head. I looked up to her and she tried to smile but how could we in a time like this.

(Time Skip)

The door rattles open-- startling Ashley and I. she looks to me in worry...who is behind the door-- my heart raced, someone's coming. The door clicks and opens with just a crack open enough for something to slip by. A tray was slightly thrown on the floor making the water spill. The door closes and locks again. I crawl to the the tray and save what water is left. It was a tray of food and water. The food looked fucking disgusting-- it smelled horrible. The cup filled with water-- smelled funny. I'm not taking a risk or giving it to Ashley. I throw the cup across the room. Flipping the tray making the food spill over. I went back to the corner where Ashley and I were trying to get some rest. I sit back against the wall and Ashley rested her head on my shoulder. My eyes start to drop...nothing to do but catch some sleep and preserve my energy.

(Ashley)- "I'm hungry.." she whined

(Y/n)- " Same here" I say with my eyes closed.

(Time Skip)

We were startled again by the door.. Ashley gives me a scared look..I gotta do something-- maybe this is a chance to get out. I got up and ran over to the flipped food tray and picked it up, wielding it as a weapon behind the door. My hands were shaking wielding the metal tray...the door swings open....I swung the metal tray at the shadow figure.. It made no reaction.. The shadow figure stepped forward. It's red eyes froze my body...I managed to snap out of it and swung the metal tray but he caught my wrists. I tried to yank my hands back but he held a firm grib on me. He starts to pull me leading out the room.

(Y/n)- " No! No! I'm sorry!" I drop the tray and the metal clanking echoes. He grabs me by the waist grabbing me roughly carrying me out the room--away from Ashley!

(Ashley)- " (Y/n)!"

(Y/n)- " No Ashley! Stay! I'll be fine!" she stayed back--shaking from fear. I don't want her being taken either--the door slams and he locks the door-- my eyes were blinded by the lights from being in a locked room for so long. This man was still carrying me-- handling me roughly. I struggled to get out of his grasp. I grabbed onto his face-- scratching at it's eye. He drops me attending to his eye-- this is my chance. I fastly got back up to my feet, but this man recovered quickly and grabbed a hold of my hair and yanked it--pulling it down. I fell back-- feeling the ground crashing against my head...everything went lights out. 

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