CHAPTER EIGHTEEN: How Good Does It Feel?

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(Two  Weeks Later)

I wiped away the condensation covering the mirror. I see myself looking back at me. (H/C) wet locks, my body wrapped in a towel. I look at my exposed shoulders...the bruises are still healing. Even some cuts on my face are still there. My back is the worst part...gonna be left with a scar after this. Still can't believe we made it back alive.. I have nightmares some nights about everything I've seen over there. The ogre giant...that Spiky zombie thing and it's raspy breathing, everything. On those better nights I have dreamt of Leon, its like seeing a slideshow in my head. I brush through my hair with my comb and once I got all the knots out I change into the clothes I have set out. Hair was drying fast already, good. I have to meet up with Ashley and her father downstairs...ever since we got back, the president kept an eye on us 24/7.. Even had me stay with them. I think I'm ready to head downstairs, I'm dressed neatly, hairs dry but just a little damp. Okay-- I'm good. I exit my room and made my way to the wide large stair case. At the bottom there stood Ashley dressed in jeans and a white blouse and boots. She looked happy to see me.

(Ashley)-" You look good, still recovering?"

(Y/n)- " Have you seen my back?"

(Ashley)- " Gonna be one hell of a scar" I shrug at the thought of it.

(Ashley)- " Here, my dad gave me these last night." she handed out a phone,a new one since I have no idea where my old one went.

(Y/n)- " Wow, finally can get back to the media world." I chuckled

(Ashley)- "I know. Come on-- my dad would like to talk to us" I let Ashley take lead and I followed behind her. Leading down the corridor she turns into the white double doors. There stood the president and....

(Y/n)- " Leon? " I said in full sudden surprise. We made eye contact, he was in a casual black t-shirt, blue jeans and boots. I couldn't help but stare...seeing him in regular clothes was strange. He continues to talk to the president but he ends the conversation early. He leaves the room without saying a quick hello or goodbye. He walks out with his hands in his pockets. He exits the room and then he was gone.

(President)- " Morning, Ladies."

(Ashley)- " Hey, Dad."

(Y/n)- " Morning, mr. Graham"

(President)- " You girls are adjusting being back?" he manages to crack a smile.

(Ashley)- " were great, might get going back to school soon."

(Y/n)- " And I should be heading back and seeing my family. Thanks for taking care of them for me" I couldn't help but feel anxious...I wanted to speak to Leon before he leaves for good. Ashley gave me a look, nodding her head to the door. I can't just leave...her dad called us down for a reason.

(Ashley)- " Dad, can you excuse us for a moment." She grabs my arm and pulls me out the room and closes the door.

(Ashley)- " Go after him!"

(Y/n)- " It-it's fine...he's got, stuff to do I" I lowered my head and said in a defeated tone.

(Ashley)- " Hey-- the last relationship you had....You said the spark wasn't there anymore right? Don't let this spark die out, go ignite it (Y/n)." I slightly cringe at her trying to make this a inspiring scene moment.

(Y/n)- " Okay, okay-- don't say any more cringe dialogue or else the inspiring music will play somewhere" she turns my shoulders and pushes me in a direction to where he might have taken to exit the building. I ran down the hall making a left sharp turn..nothing but security and other important people in the building as well. ..But no Leon. I might have missed my chance. I slow down to finally give in and give up. I should head back-- shouldn't keep the President waiting. I turned around to see Leon there a few feet away, hands still in his pockets. Our eyes meet yet again. He smirks and cocks his head to the side.

(Y/n)- " ..Hey " I uttered.

(Leon)- " you holding up?"

(Y/n)- " Hanging in there"

(Leon)- " Glad to see your okay."

(Y/n)- " Thanks to you." I stepped closer to Leon and we started to walk side by side down the corridor. I looked behind me to see a few guards following behind.

(Leon)- " I see you're being watched."

(Y/n)- " Just for a while" he chuckles and takes his hands out f his pockets and lets them hang beside him. 

(Y/n)- " Thought you said you weren't going to stick around" I reminded him of what he said couple weeks back.

(Leon)- " I wasn't, but..the President had me watching over you a little bit."I stopped walking making him stop in his tracks.

(Y/n)- " You were keeping an eye on me? " I scoffed smiling.

(Leon)-" Yeah."

(Y/n)- " And you didn't say hi" I giggled and he faintly chuckles.

(Y/n)- " long are you gonna watching over me?"

(Leon)- " Not long, have some things to take care of " I kind of figured he would say something like that.

(Y/n)- " Am I going to see you anytime soon?" I hoped

(Leon)- " I don't know, probably not." he smirked but his mouth made a firm line afterward.

(Y/n)- "Oh." Leon nods, an alarm rings in his pocket. He takes out a small phone to quickly view it.

(Y/n)- " Another Mission?"

(Leon)- "..Yeah" I really don't want him to leave..not with a goodbye at least.

(Y/n)- "So this is goodbye?"

(Leon)- " Yeah... I'll see you around." He grins again. And starts to head into the direction out the building. I can't--- I just can't...I just.. I went after Leon before he got too far.

(Y/n)- "Leon" he turned around to see me. I placed my hand on his shoulder and the other on the side of his face to pull him into the kiss I was giving him. He kissed me back, placing his hands gently on my waist. The way he was kissing back--felt amazing...I don't know how to describe it. I pulled back and let him go.

(Y/n)- " See you around, Mr. Scott" in the words of Salazar. I  start to do a runway strut walk away, I feel good that I finally did something-- Maybe that will make Leon think about me differently. I Just hope he will remember me..


(Leon)- "..Women" I sighed. (Y/n), she's just full of surprises. She really is something..stubborn, humorous, beautiful but most of all stubborn. If it weren't for Hunnigan calling me..I'd run after her... I shake my head and once she was out of eye view. My phone rings once more.

(Leon)- " Leon."

(Hunnigan)- " Got an assignment for you"

(Leon)- " Talk to me..." 


It's done! Did you like it? I hope you did. 

I plan on making a sequel, soon. After I finish some other stories I put off. Stay tuned <3 

Thanks xD

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