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(Time Skip)

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(Time Skip)

I reached the top of the ladder, Leon stuck his hand out for help. I accepted his hand and lifted me to the top. There ahead of the path was a house, finally--something normal. A few crows peck at the ground getting something to nibble on.

(Y/n)- "Where are we now?"

(Leon)- " This roads should lead us to where Ashley is being held."

(Y/n)- " Well, lets go-- I don't want to keep her waiting any longer than we have to" I started walking before him. The crows start to flap their wings to start to take off. I hear Leon's footsteps quickly approached behind me.

(leon)- " Hey--!" his arm grabs me by the waist and he carries me away once the crow activated an explosion between the trees. Leon shielded me using his body. The side his head resting on top of my head. I smelled the scent coming off of him, it was a mix of probably sweat but some of his cologne. His body heat was steaming off of him too...I have to admit he was keeping me warm.

(Y/n)- " Holy shit.." There was nothing left of the crow. He gently releases me and investigates.

(Leon)- " Watch your step, keep your eyes open." We continued on and entered the house. It was colder inside than outside..I shivered and held my arms for warmth. As we gotten further inside-- a door blocks our path...this door doesn't look anything like an ordinary door.

(Y/n)- " Great, now what?"

(Leon)- "You don't suppose "Open Sesame" would work?"

(Y/n)- " If this place is that predictable." I shrugged.

(Leon)- " Lets see if I can get this open" He holstered his weapon away and attended to the door. The symbol above changed!

(Leon)- " Now were getting somewhere" once he changes the symbol positioning-- a click came from the door. It slid across for it to open. Like I said, not your ordinary door. We entered through this room, a bedroom to be specific. If they kidnapped us and put us here, would be a lot better then keeping us in that fucking small cramped storage space. There hung up on the wall was a picture of a man in a blue cloak. Strange man to have a protrait in here. I look near the portrait to see a key in a small clear box. Its the same symbol Leon changed the door into, I don't know what this is..

(Y/n)- " Found a key" I say as I picked it up to show Leon.

(Leon)-" I'll hold onto that" I nodded and put it into my pocket for safe keeping. I hear noise...I stopped moving, Leon was about to take a step forward when I stopped him but placing my hand on his torso.

(Y/n)- " I hear voices" I whisper. Leon investigated the door and I was right-- I heard voices. I stuck close to Leon leaving just a small gap. We went out the bedroom to the hall way. I felt sudden wind through my hair, giving me goosebumps all around me. I spin aorund to see a tall figured bald man smack me across the face hard enough for me to jump to the wall. I roughly lay on the ground-- with the wind knocked out of me. Leon tries to take his gun out but this man was too fast. He has his hand around Leon's throat, squeezing it tight. I can hear Leon gasping for air. He drops Leon on the floor, Leon grabs a hold of my shoulder and pulling me along with him crawling to get away from him. Leon's breathing was Raspy and out of order.

One Step Closer (RE4: Leon Kennedy x Reader) [Book#1] [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now