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(Time Skip)

It's fucking cold, it's raining...Wish I had a sweater...How can Leon be calm and cool right now? If I were doing his job I'd wouldn't make out of here alive. Shut up, shut up (Y/n)...don't think like that. Leon can get us out of here, we've survived this long..but it was only the two of us..with Ashley here now--Leon has more weight on his shoulders. He's gotta be like the top agent or something back whereever he is from...if the president sent him on here on his own than I should trust him. We entered through a wooden gate, I guess were at a farming area.

(Leon)- " Hey, hide in there" Leon pointed to a rusted metal bin.. I approached the bin or at least I think it stinks a little bit. Ashley and I looked at Leon. I'd rather take my chances out here than in a small cramped dark garbage bin.

(Leon)- "It'll keep you both safe"

(Y/n)- " I'll take my chances with you than in there." Leon cocked his head to the side, he had no other choice, he's not dealing with a child here.

(Ashley)- " I'm hiding in here, whistle when the coast is clear." she climbs right in and closes the lid. He nodded and I stuck close to him. Thinking in my head-- I feel like I deserve to be here, I deserve to be here, right? Leon came to a sudden stop-- me lost in my own thoughts I bumped into his back.

(Leon)- " There's two over there, becareful." he pointed with two fingers.

(Y/n)- " Okay" Leon fires two rounds at them, one stunned and the other, a headshot. Another man shouted in a Spanish alerting more probably around the farm. Leon sped off inside the lit barn. A villager jumped down from the 2nd floor of the barn, scaring me-- I fell down back, Leon took care of the villagers one by one. It was quiet now. I think he took care of them.

(Leon)- " It's clear, you can come down now" I jumped down from the second floor of the barn. Leon took care of the bear traps. Imagine stepping into one of those...ouch. I dusted my shoulders off from what I think was spiders on me-- I really hope it was spider webs. Leon exits the barn and starts to go and search the rest of the farming area.

(Y/n)-"What're you doing?" I ask as I soon follow him.

(Leon)- " You'll be surprised what they leave around." He heads back inside the barn and puts back the ladder upright. He heads up and waits for me to catch up. He held his hand out and I took his hand and he helped me stand up. Out the window and onto a wooden balcony. This doesn't look sturdy enough.. At the edge of the wooden balcony were beartraps that have aready been set off. The ladder was knocked off.Leon kneels and jumps down and lands on his feet. He looks up to me, waiting for me to jump down like him. If I was wearing a skirt right now-- I'd be calling him pervert.

(Y/n)- " There's no way i'm jumping down, it's too high."

(Leon)- " You'll be fine, I'll catch you."

(Y/n)- " Are you sure?"

(Leon)- " Positive" he held his arms out to catch me when I jump. Do I trust the one agent to fully secure my safety? Why not? I deeply sighed and jumped down. I felt the thud of the impact of Leon catching me in his arms. He sets me down on my feet.He whistles for Ashley. I can hear the rusted up bin lid open in the distance. A few moments later Ashley appears on top of the wooden balcony. Leon and I looked up just when she got there.

(Ashley)- "OH! You perverts!" she squeals and covers her skirt. Leon and I looked away but found to be looking at one another. He faintly chuckles and grins at me.

(Y/n)- " Really ashley.." I scoff playfully.

(Leon)- " Come on, we don't have all day" he says and waves for Ashley to jump down next. She does so and Leon catches her nice and easy. He sets her down and she adjusts her skirt once more.

One Step Closer (RE4: Leon Kennedy x Reader) [Book#1] [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now