CHAPTER SEVEN: Catch Your Breath

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(Time Skip)

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(Time Skip)

The sound of lightening striking startles me awake. I was dozing off.. With Leon's head resting on my lap. I lift my head up to see the rain pouring outside the window....the lantern wasn't enough to keep Leon and I warm. I was still a damp but nothing I can do about it. Damn...Leon's been out for a long time...somethings gotta be wrong with him...with us. It can't be a coincidence that we coughed up blood. Leon's head jolted up-- scaring me. He gasps and looks at me in relief. He sits up and looks at his arms...did he have a nightmare?

(Y/n)- "Had a nice nap?" 

(Leon)- " What happened?"

(Y/n)- " You lost consciousness"

(Leon)- " Lost consciousness?"

(Y/n)- " Yeah, you don't remember?"

(Leon)- " I remember this nightmare.."

(Y/n)- "Nightmare?"

(Leon)- " Forget it, its nothing" he stands back up and stretches out his arms. I got up holding myself for warmth and I reach down to grab the lantern. I blew it out and set it on the table.

(Y/n)- " You sure you're okay?"

(Leon)- " Yeah, don't worry about me"

(Y/n)- " Hey, its just us two out here...gotta look out for each other" he smirks and heads out the house. 

(Time skip)

I held tightly on the round insignia in my arms as Leon steered the boat in the dark tunnel. Finally....We're finally gonna get Ashley back and were gonna go home. Leon slows down the boat, I look ahead to see a dock next to a lit up blue flame. Were back at the merchants little shop. I got off the boat first then Leon. I race up the ladder leading out to go back the way we came to get back to the church. I wait for Leon at the top of the ladder, I was a little anxious.. I'm eager to go get my best friend back. Just gotta get across this open little village..looks like a holding area. I ran across the end to meet Leon. I wait patiently for him at the other side, he smirks as he walks over.

(Leon)- " Hmm."

(Y/n)- " Leon, come on!" I shouted. A sudden loud bang startles my body.. A gate above me starts to close and lock me away from Leon. Wait-- the other side is being raised down too..Leon's trapped in there!

(Y/n)- " Leon!"

(Leon)- " (Y/n)-- stay where you are!" I planted my feet to the ground. I hear villagers speaking and shouting-- they planted a trap for us. A giant door opens...out comes 8 villagers pulling on a rope but something isn't budging. The rope pulls all the villagers and they let go of the rope. The ground shakes-- its feels like its an earthquake... I put the insignia in my pocket and cling onto the gate keeping Leon and I separated. The door explodes into tiny pieces... behind the explosion was a giant-- an ogre--  another monster! It starts to swing its massive fists into villagers-- kicking and screaming... it grabs one and squeezes the life out of him. It throws the man into another villager ending up killing both. It suddenly swings its fist at Leon but he does a flip getting out of dodge. My heart stopped for a moment..I leon was done for.

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