No Sleep

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I stared at the ceiling almost all night as Jaeden slept like a baby on the floor beside me. I Jump as my Neighbors dog starts barking I sigh as I get up to close my window so Jaeden wouldn't wake up, it was way too early. I get back on my bed and rub my eyes as I check my phone. Just notifications from my SnapChat Streaks my phone clicks off.

Jaeden sits up and groans "what time is it (Y/N)" Jaeden asks "time for you to go back to sleep" I reply "I'd say that same for you" Jaeden softly giggles and lays back down I do the same Knowing that I wont be able to sleep. "Jaeden?"I say softly "Yea" "Can you lay with me for a second" I ask "sure" Jaeden Gets up and walks to the other side of the bed where my head is facing and he gets under the covers with me. "And why excaly do you want me up here?" Jaeden asks "I can't sleep" I whisper "oh was it a bad dream" I shake my head no "come on (Y/N) im your bestfriend you can tell me" Jaeden says "c-c-can we just sleep or at least try please" I say softly "yeah no problem" Jaeden says he rests his hands softly over my cheek  and kisses me on the forhead.

                   Time skip♡

Eggs, Bacon, Waffles I smell it all I wake up and Jaeden isn't beside me i get up and put on a pair of baggy grey sweat pants with a grey tank top as well as some fuzzy socks and walk down stairs "Good Morning Sleepy Head" Jaeden says cheerfully "Ugh miss me with that happy stuff I feel like I banged my head in the wall" I say grunting "aw poor child" Jaeden says while hugging me.

Jaeden and I have been Besties since we were 6 years old. It all started when these girls were picking on me one day in grade 1 and Jaeden stood up for me and ever since then we have been bestfriends but the thing is ive had a crush on him for as long as I've known him. Were 14 now and I really wanna tell him before it's too late before he gains interests in other girls. But i dont know how to tell him.

We are a group of 5 it's me (Y/N), Finn,  Wyatt, Jack, And of course Jaeden. Ive been friends with them for as long as ive been friends with Jaeden and there my bestfriends Ive only had one girl Bestfriend and thats Sophia we stopped being friend's because she kissed Jaeden I don't hate her but I don't necessarily like her because she's the only one who knew about my insanely big crush on Jaeden and she still kissed him and lied to me about it so we stopped being friends. And not because of Jaeden because she lied to me and looked me in the face and smiled like everything was okay and she knew it wasn't.

We finish Breakfast im pacing with my hands in my hair "Fucking shit wtf!!" I say "okay see this is why you need to take this" Jaeden says while giggling i walk over to the couch where he is and sit beside him "I hate taking pills they make me tired and I don't wanna fall asleep on you" I say calming down a little "don't worry about me you need to take this or you won't get better" Jaeden says while resting his hand on my forhead.

{Authors note}

So heres the first chapter i hope you like it ive been wanting to do this for awhile now and im so gald i finally did it. I was low key so over my last book but i hope you like this one because its going to be updated alot so yea♡.

Not edited.

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