Chapter 4

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"Hey mum?" I asked looking up from my mash potato and sausages.

"Yes?" She asked

"Well on the 17th, One Direction are having a concert and Danielle was wondering if we could get ready at hers and seeing as it will probably end late she also invited us for a sleepover too and it's sorta like a going away party for me if I get the position. So can I PLEEEEAAASSSEEE GOOO!!!" I begged

"How much is it?" My dad asked.

"Well the first 10 rows of the concert is $300 and the rest are between $100-78 I know its a bit expensive but-" I started to convince him but he cut me off


"YAY! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" I repeated excitedly as I ate the rest of my dinner with excitement.

"Just tell us how much it defiantly is and this can be your going away present" Mum said sipping her drink. I have the best parents in the world!

"Oh and something came for you in the mail" My dad winked "Its on the kitchen counter"

I stood up and bolted to the kitchen. I saw a white letter addressed to me. This was it! After opening this one little letter I will have finally found out whether I am packing my bags for America or staying at home. I took a deep breath as I opened the letter.

'Dear Miss Kate Brown,

We are pleased to inform you that your application to study as exchange student

has been accepted-'

I let out a little squeal as I continued to read the letter. Apparently I will be staying with the Moore family but they said they will e-mail me later on about my accommodation. I also saw that the high school has one of the highest academic results in LA.........LA!? I am staying in LA for a whole year?! OHMYGOSH! I leave in 3 weeks as a solo flyer that goes straight to America. Wow thats gonna be a long plane trip.

I sprinted with excitement back to the dinning room and put the letter in the middle of the table and looked at my parents as I tried my very best to suppress a smile that was creeping onto my face.

"Well?" They asked

"Guess who's going to LA? ME! THATS WHO!" I squealed with excitement.

I looked over at my mum who let out a little squeal and pulled me into a hug as she started to cry "I'm so proud of you baby girl" She whispered as she stroked my hair.

I let go of her grasp just as I did dad came over and hugged me. "Promise me you guys will visit" I managed to choke out after letting go of their hugs "A year away from home is too long"

"We promise" Mum said as I hugged her again. I can't believe that in 3 weeks I'm going to be leaving home for a year. My parents were encouraging though seeing as my dad did it when he was a boy. My mum said it was ok but a part of me felt bad leaving them for a whole year and my friends...What were they going to think?! I mean they could always visit or visa versa, a year isn't that long it?


"I got the letter today" I told my group as I picked at my muesli bar refusing eye contact.

"And..?" Sarah asked

"I got it!" I said smiling and looking up and nothing could have prepared me for what happened next.

"OMG I KNEW YOU WOULD!" They all squealed and gave me a massive group hug while I was sitting down causing me to fall over as they squeezed all the air out of my lungs.

"I-I n-need aiiir!" I gasped

They all giggled and gave me an apologetic smile.

"Sooo when do you leave?" Danielle asked

"3 weeks exactly"

"Awwwwww!!" They all chorused as they hugged me gently this time.

"We're gonna miss you sooooo much" Erin said

"Me too" I replied getting out of the hug "ALSO!!" I said making them look at me again while I sat up.

"What?...." Danielle asked curiously

"My mum and dad said yes to the whole One Direction thing!"

"YAY!" Sarah squealed.

"We are going to make this the best going away party EVER!" Mariah added in and they nodded.

"Awww thank you guys" I replied.

"So do you know anything about the family your staying with yet?" Sarah asked

I nodded "Yup they e-mailed me last night before I went to bed, I am living in downtown LA and -"

"LA?!" They all yelled

I smiled and nodded "Did I forget to mention that?"

"Yes! What else?" They all asked eagerly

"Well they have a daughter the same age as me called Ruby, she's an only child! OH and Ruby goes to the same school that I applied for, but I guess that was a given" I giggled.

"I'm so happy for yo-" Mariah began before we were interrupted by the bell for period 5.

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