Chapter 9

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"OMG IT'S UP! CODY'S ON MY MIND VIDEO CLIP IS UP!" Ruby squealed which earned her many 'hush's' from everyone in the library. "Sorry..." She said quietly as she ducked down in her seat.

"Let me see! let me seeeee!!" Cindy and Kailee whined.

I just ignored them and continued to write notes on our history assignment. It was a group task and we were a little bit behind so we chose to use our last two free periods to work on it.

"OH MY GOSH HE'S SO HOT!!" Kailee squealed.

I was getting pretty annoyed at this point now, they have been fangirling and counting down for the video clip to come out for the past 25 minutes.

"Can't you just do our assignment?" I asked trying to concentrate.

"Sorry but how can you worry about the world war when this sex god is on screen!" Cindy added in.

I just rolled my eyes, "Don't worry they couldn't last a day without mentioning anything Cody Simpson related" Lexi smirked

"Is that a challenge I hear?" Ruby asked

"Yep" I replied popping the 'p' "10 bucks is you last this period and 20 if you make it to period 6, your not allowed to speak nor see anything Cody Simpson related"

"Ok its on like donkey kong!" Ruby replied shaking my hand with a competitive smirk.

...Finally, silence....

"OOO Since I'm not banned on speaking about Cody, guess what my mum said she can pick us all up from our places at around 11:30, that gives us enough time to pick everyone up and get to the mall...." Kailee smirked

"Its official, I can't win!" I said looking over at Eli, Ethan and Lexi and they just smirked.

"Well the mall tour is tomorrow and we need to finalise everything for it! So Cody first history last" She smiled

"Oh well in that case do go on" I said sitting back in my seat. I knew there was no getting out of this and I just had to deal with it, now all thats left is to find away for Alex and I to sneak out of the concert and wonder around the mall until its finished. I hate Cody and I never want to see him again. Ever.

"Soo we get to the mall around 12?" Ruby asked


"Ok well seeing as you guys are gonna exclude me for the whole time during your little fan girl seshs I'm going to be meeting up with a friend from Australia at the mall and then chill with him until the concert is over"

"Him?" Cindy asked as she waggled her eyebrows

"Oh dear lord..." I mumbled slamming my head on the desk, now they are going to think I like him and that he's hot and well the downer...or not so downer is that he kinda is.

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