Chapter 10 Part 3

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"Shall we go?" I asked Alex making sure my back was facing the stage Cody was on.

"Sure where to?" He asked as I smiled evilly "Victoria's secret?"

"Ok call me when your done" He said as he walked away

"No! Ok fine" I giggled pulling him back "You pick"

As we started to leave I noticed someone's voice screaming...It sounded all too familiar. I looked around until I found the source coming from McDonald's.

"No! I want I happy meal!" The voice shrieked.

"I'm sorry but there has been an age limit set -" A worker no older that 18 tried to say until he was cut off.

"I don't give a damn I want one and I want one now!"

Oh my gosh! Its Jen! Trust her to make a scene about food. She, if you can't already guess loves her food and is extremely touchy about it.

"Jen!" I squeal as she turns around.

"Katie!" She squeals back. I left Alex with my mocha once again and give her the biggest hug ever.

"Not wearing the snapback and aviators this time I see" I smile.

"Yeah...Sorry bout that..." She says as she hugs me.

"Sorry can I just get a small cheeseburger meal" I say to the cashier, he nods and he accepts the money.

"He should've just given me the happy meal..." Jen mumbles, I laugh as Alex steps forward.

"Is there something I'm missing?" He asks.

"Oh sorry Jen this is Alex, Alex this is JBiz" I say as I mentally face palm myself for being so ignorant towards Alex.

"Nice to meet you" Jen says as she accepts her order off the guy and apologises for making a scene.

"Have you seen Alli yet?" Jen asks as she eats some of her fries.

"Yup" I smile

"Cody?" She asks and raises an eyebrow.

"Sorta...." I trail off.


"I-I'm sorry I can't ok you have to understand"

"Ok now I'm defiantly lost" Alex mentioned.

"Sorry, I'll tell you everything later" I explain. He nods as he hands me back my mocha for what I hope is the last time.

"How's Tom?" I blurted out a little too quickly.

"Great, he's growing up so fast" Jen giggles. I turn around and see Cody's gaze locked with mine.

"Uh...we have to go, tell Cody I'm sorry for everything and I'll follow him on twitter as soon as I get home"

"See ya girl!" Jen says as she hugs me again "Nice to meet you Alex" She says before I drag him and we leave.

We walk through the shops quietly for a bit until he breaks the silence.

"Alright spill, how do you know Alli, Jen and Cody?! I thought you hated him Kate?!" Alex asks very confusedly.

I sigh and begin to tell him every little detail and by the end of it we have done a massive loop around the mall and we have ended up at the back of the show.

"Uh....Alex?..." I ask looking up from his shirt.

"You have to talk to him Kate"

"I-I can't -"

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