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-Your P.O.V-

"You...what?" I'm taken back in disbelief at what G just confessed to me.

He got into a fight...with Ace. What?

I didn't know how to react.

(A/N: ok since some of you said Grayson took it too far then others said he did the right thing, i will give you two different scenarios. you can choose how you want to react!)

1st REACTION: Negative

"Grayson,"I begin. "I appreciate you standing up for me could've seriously hurt Ace."

"But (Y/N), he-ugh, he just got me so angry-" Grayson tries to excuse his behaviour.

"G, I know but you can't just go around...punching people that you don't like!" My voice begins to raise as Grayson's eyes grow wider.

"He started it!" The bruised boy stands up.

"You took it too far. Yeah, Grayson, you do need help." I shout, crossing my arms. "I'll call Karma later, we can talk about getting you some anger management."

"I-I did it for yo-"

"Maybe you should go." I couldn't look him in the eyes.

Grayson goes to say something else but holds it back.

He just sighs and leaves, slamming the door shut behind him.

2nd REACTION: Positive

"You beat up Ace?" I ask him one more time, just to make sure.

He looks down yet nods.

Is it bad that I don't feel that sorry for Ace? I mean he kind of deserved it and technically he's not completely deceased so..

It was hard to hide my grin. "Well, it's about time!"

Grayson's held jolts up. "Uh...what?"

"I mean yeah, I guess you did take it a bit far but Ace was asking for it." I shrug my shoulders. G blinks.

"Uh, yeah I guess you're right." Grayson thinks about it. "But, what if I beat someone that makes me angry again? I just couldn't help my rage."

I place a hand on his shoulder. "I understand that. Yeah, maybe we should help you with your aggression. We'll get you the help you need G. But Ace was an asshole, so thanks for sticking up to that jerk."

Grayson shows a slight smile. "...More like an Ace-hole."

I spit out a chuckle.

Okay, that was good.


(A/N: whatever reaction you chose though grayson will get help with his anger and what not. so that's good! lol)

-Josh's P.O.V-

Half an hour later, I still find myself browsing through my old self's cellphone.

Why did I think this was a good idea again?

I give up over time and stand up, stretch then proceed to head downstairs. Still bored out of my mind.

The couple were on the couch, observing my every move it seemed. Why?

Shrugging, I enter the basement. The drum set immediately catches my eye. Oh right, I played those!

Walking over, I take a seat and grab the sticks with my hands. The feeling is almost familiar to me. The drumsticks placed in my palms felt almost nostalgic.

FARTHER (Josh Dun x Reader) (THREEQUEL) ✧ idkbrooklynWhere stories live. Discover now