twenty three

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-Your P.O.V-

About an hour after my hang out session with the twins and Delilah, bored out of my mind, I start to think of ways to get Delilah and Karma alone together since Karma's too nervous to make the first move and I'm sure Delilah's oblivious to the whole situation.

I plop down on Josh's couch, leaning my head back.

Wait, where is Josh anyway?

Grabbing my phone, I shoot him a quick text.

"hey, where u at boi"

I giggle a bit before pressing send and just as I'm about to set my phone back on the coffee table, I feel it vibrate in my hand.

"just hanging w tyler, be back soon."

Hm, alright then.

Well, since Josh and Tyler are out on the town, I should go out and do something also.

"Hey, (Y/N)!" Jenna's voice rings behind me as I stand up to greet her.

"Oh, hey Jenna!" I smile back at the blonde.

"What are you up to?" She sighs, probably bored like me.

"Nothing much, brainstorming ways to get my awkward best friend to ask someone out without making it obvious. Yanno, casual Friday." I shrug, crossing my arms. Jenna chuckles in response.

"Hey, if you wanna help out we could get out of the house for a while? I was thinking maybe I'd invite the twins and their new friend Delilah out to eat." I suggest to her, walking closer.

"Is this your plan of getting those two people you mentioned alone together and am I about to get wrapped up in it if I say 'yes'?" Jenna smirks.

I smirk back mischeviously. "Maaaybe." I nod.

She just laughs. "I'm so in."

-Josh's P.O.V-

Tyler and I make it to the animal shelter after leaving Brendon's house an hour later.

"Are you actually planning on adopting a dog?" Tyler whispers, curious.

I shrug in response. "Maybe! I think I have something special planned out in my head...I just hope it works."

Tyler nods his head, still a bit skeptical of what I'm up to but follows along

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Tyler nods his head, still a bit skeptical of what I'm up to but follows along.

Walking through the aisles of cute canines I stumble upon a small, golden puppy almost smiling at me as I move down to pet it.

Aw, look at him.

"Hey there, little guy." I say to him as he barks happily.

Tyler smiles as he pets the pup as well.

Tyler smiles as he pets the pup as well

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FARTHER (Josh Dun x Reader) (THREEQUEL) ✧ idkbrooklynWhere stories live. Discover now