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-Your P.O.V-

I can't believe we're really about to watch a video for a song I made about my breakup with Josh in his own house.

"This is ridiculous." I whisper to no-one in particular.

"Shh, shut up and watch!" Jenna smiles, turning my attention to the opening screen of 11:59 PM.

-Josh's P.O.V-

I hear a guitar start to slowly play as someone starts to sing. The others seemed to have not noticed my presence as I stand a few feet behind the couch they were sat at.

This sound...I've heard it before. What is this band?

Who is this singing?

"What a great start to a new year, broken-hearted on the kitchen floor, hearing the heartbreaking voicemail from the boy I adore."

New year...broken heart...voicemail...


A crash.

A loud ringing in my ears as I remember, recognize and remember again.

This was a song she wrote about me.

Who? Who wrote this song about me?

My thoughts are shattered on the floor of my mind as my hands frustratedly try to pick up the pieces of this puzzle that just hasn't quite come together yet.

The first piece of the puzzle is picked up.

I remember that night.


"The thing is...*STATIC* W-We're on two different continents right now and-and we haven't seen each other in months... You've got your band, doing your own thing, I've got mine and...I'm sorry *STATIC* ...but I just don't think this is gonna work out."

"I'm breaking up with you... Goodbye."

"I'm sorry...I'm so sorry-"


Their name was just static at this point. Who was this person?

Another piece of the memory puzzle is trying to come into place.


"*STATIC*." I lock eyes with my ex.

*STATIC STATIC STATIC* nods her head, following along.

"I am totally and completely in love with you." I spit out.


Those eyes. The ones that I was staring at in that moment. They look so...familiar.

I...I'm in love?

My heart starts speeding up as I feel my face start to blush and hands start to shake.

What's happening? Who am I in love with? Who does my love belong to?

Another piece is picked up as I stand, still hearing this familiar song being played.


"So, you're definitely going through with this?" He whispers only to me.

FARTHER (Josh Dun x Reader) (THREEQUEL) ✧ idkbrooklynWhere stories live. Discover now