thirty one

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-Your P.O.V-

My breathing comes to a quick stop and my heart rate accelerates.

"Josh...are you serious?" I finally let out.

His smile slightly fades. "Yeah! ...are you not excited?"

"NO- Oh my goodness, no that's not what I meant!" I laugh, still in disbelief.

Josh relaxes a bit and builds up another smile. "Oh okay good! I got scared there for a second-"

I grab his face with my hands. "You're the love of my life and I'd be excited to have a wedding anywhere with you, Iceland sounds amazing." I sigh deeply, thinking of how perfect that would be.

"So you're on board?" My fiancée asks me. I gently kiss him in response.


We then hear a knock at the door, both our heads turn to the sound.

"Who could that be?" Josh asks curiously.

I smirk, knowing exactly who it is and turn to him.

"I think I have an idea."

-Karma's P.O.V-

Oh my god, she's here! Okay, calm down. It's not a big deal, she's just a person...who is so attractive and talented and funny- Oh my god Karma can you ever shut up?

I slowly walk towards the door, hesitant to answer.

Taking a breath, I open the door.

"Hey!" Delilah greets me with a hug.

"Hi! I'm so happy you're here."

Did that sound weird? "So happy". God, get ahold of yourself!

"I'm happy you invited me over." She chuckles, giddy in response.

Oh thank god.

I notice the case in her hand that holds her bass guitar.

"Hey Delilah." G greets our guest as he comes downstairs, half a sandwich in his hand.

"Sup, Grayson?" Delilah replies, she points at his half eaten sandwich. "Any good?"

Grayson nods, smiling. "I am an expert sandwich maker."

"Yeah, that seems to be your only talent." I sass him sarcastically.

"Hey, keep that up and Broken Castle may just need a new drummer too." He locks his eyes on me.

I laugh as Josh and (Y/N) enter the living room

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I laugh as Josh and (Y/N) enter the living room.

"Hey Delilah!" They both greet the bass player simultaneously.

She waves back, smiling. "Hey guys, brought my bass."

"Oh, great! I can't wait to hear you play." (Y/N) claps her hands together excitedly.

FARTHER (Josh Dun x Reader) (THREEQUEL) ✧ idkbrooklynWhere stories live. Discover now