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-Your P.O.V-

With a smile, I turn around to immediately encounter my fiancée. "Oh!"

Josh seems a bit taken aback as well, he chuckles. "Hey there. I'm glad I caught you actually, can we talk?" I slowly nod, a bit confused.

Why does that question always make me so nervous?

-Karma's P.O.V-

"I'm just gonna text her! No big deal."

"Wow, that's a great idea that I've been saying for the past five minutes now." G rolls his eyes, annoyed.

The past few minutes, I've been a little hesitant on messaging Delilah about (Y/N)'s idea.

Maybe I really do like her...

"Oh, you think?" Grayson replies to what I was thinking

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"Oh, you think?" Grayson replies to what I was thinking.

"Wait, did I say that out loud?"

Grayson erupts in giggles. "Yeah, dummy."

I ignore him and start typing out a text.

"hey, what are u doing rn?"

About thirty seconds later, my phone vibrates. I take a deep breath.

"not much, just at home. wbu?"

My heart beat starts to pace faster.

"u should come over to josh's! we're all just hanging out." I reply, talking about the rest of the usual crew.

"okay :-)"

A SMILEY FACE. Oh my gosh, she's actually coming over.

"oh, and bring ur bass ;-)" I send.

WAIT, Why did I put a winky face? KARMA, WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?

"uh alright! lol why?"

"Let it be a surprise so she doesn't get nervous-"

"GRAYSON, oh my god. You scared me." I jump hearing my twin directly behind me. "Have you been reading my texts over my shoulder this whole time?"

Grayson plasters a sly grin across his face. "...Possibly."

I punch his arm.

"Damn, sorry." He half-apologizes, rubbing his arm.

I quickly type out a response.

"you'll see!"

-Your P.O.V-

Please don't be anything bad, please don't be anything bad.

With everything going on with Broken Castle, I don't think I can handle anything else.

FARTHER (Josh Dun x Reader) (THREEQUEL) ✧ idkbrooklynWhere stories live. Discover now