Chapter 1

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You have been warned

I ran as fast as my three year old legs would carry me.
Around the endless labyrinth of alleyways and through shady streets.

I ran for what seemed like an eternity.
My chest burning at my laboured breaths.
Heart racing.
Feet aching.
Angry mob of armed villagers behind me.

Until I reached the dead end.

I turned to run out through the way I came.

Hoping I could dig myself out of the hole I'd gotten myself into.

Hoping I could find a way to undo my mistake.

But as I turned around the hope I had started to believe in, faded away.

Because as I turned around I was greeted with the snarling faces of the people I shared a village with. Their faces filled with pure hate and unchecked rage, dieing to be set free.

I screamed as the monsters decended, kunai and other harmful objects in hand.

I heard the bones break under my skin.

Saw as the blood stained my previously white shirt the dark shade of crimson.

They beat me until the pain became numb.
Beat me till my hearing was all but gone.
Beat me untill my screaming lessened.
And then beat me some more to make my screaming louder.

As they beat me they would shout things like "demon" "monster" "murderer" "disgrace" and other things too horrific to be repeated.

Once the pain finally numbed I stopped screaming and crying out for them to stop.

They grew tired of beating an unreactive victim.

One of the men of the mob grabbed me by my blond hair and yanked me up to face them.

I blinked. The world was going fuzzy as I struggled to stay consious.

He lifted a kunai to my face and drew three wisker marks on each cheek.

His mouth was moving but all I could hear was a loud ringing.

The man then lifted the kunai to my eyes.

It was too late when I processed what was going on.

He sliced the kunai over my eyes.

Little did I know this would be the last thing I'd see.

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