Chapter 16: Is This the End?

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I stare into the cerulean blue eyes of my beautiful kitsune.

His eyes mainly look in my direction but they wander as he cannot locate where my own eyes are.

The longer I look into his eyes the more I notice scars and markings that don't look natural.

Naruto has never really gone into detail as to how he lost his sight or as to how he got so strong.

And I don't really want to be pushy and ask.
Although I have a vague idea as to how it happened.

I twirled a long lock of his golden hair between my fingers and caressed the whisker marks on his cheeks with my other hand.

We were cuddling in bed while the party was in full swing just on the other side of the door.

Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves.

"Maybe we should join them Sasu," Naruto said, as if he'd read my mind.

"Hn," I nodded, gently lifting Naruto out of bed with me.

We rejoined the party. Everyone had shoved the furniture to the sides of the room to make a dance floor, and the kitchen island was covered in snacks and fruit punch.

Ino, Choji, Kankuro, Kiba, Tamari, Lee and Ten-Ten were all dancing in the middle of the room and Gaara, Shikamaru, Hinata, Shino and Neji we're all hanging around the outskirts of the room, sipping punch and eating snacks.

Naruto led me into the centre of the dancers and we began dancing together, big grins on both of our faces. After a while a slow song came on and I wrapped my arms around his waist and he wrapped his around my neck, resting his head on my chest as we swayed in time with the music.

The night went by as a whirlwind of dancing and having fun and then suddenly it had to end. Everyone began leaving as the sun came up leaving Naruto and myself to clear away the mess in Naruto's house.

As we began to tidy there was a small knock on the front door.

Naruto didn't move from where he was but he looked down saddened.

I gave him a quick kiss on the top of his head and went to open the door.

It was on the latch so it would only open a small amount.

I opened the door to be faced to face with the bubblegum locks of our "teammate".

Just as she was about to say something I swung the door closed and walked away from the door.

"Wait Sasuke!" Came the muffled sound of Sakura's plea. She sounded desperate.

I opened the door again.

"What do you want?" I hissed, pissed off.
She flinched, as though my words had actually hurt her.

"Can I speak to Naruto please?" She mumbled, looking down.

"Yes." Naruto startled me as he replied from behind me. I moved out of his way so that he could talk to Sakura.

He took the latch of and opened the door fully.

Sakura dashed at him.

And embraced him in a hug.

"I'm so sorry Naruto!" She sobbed into his shoulder. Naruto strokes her back as she cried.

"I'm so sorry! I'm sorry I treated you so horribly! I'm sorry I was jealous! I'm sorry for all the horrible things I've said and done to you! I'm so sorry!" She wailed.

"Shhhhh. It's alright." Naruto said reassuringly, he continued to stroke her back.

"P-please forg-give me!" She said between deep breaths.

"Okay, I forgive you Sakura." With this Sakura cried even harder.

"Come and sit down." Naruto said. "I'll make you some tea." And he gently led her over to the kitchen island where he placed her onto a chair.

He then moved away to make boil the kettle.

Sakura calmed down after a while and apologised to both of us again. She said that she'd been horrible and that she was happy that we were together and that she hopes that we can act like a team again. 

She said she'd also been training really hard so that she can be more helpful on the team.

After we drank some tea she helped us clean Naruto's apartment and then she left.

We received the results from the chunin exams and myself and Naruto has passed with flying colours. As had Shikamaru, Gaara, Shino and Hinata.

We received our vests the next day before missions resumed.

Afterwards everything settled down. Squad 7 was successful and began undergoing harder and harder missions. Sakura ended off going travelling with Tsunade after Naruto introduced them, and I continued training with Kakashi.

Naruto began doing missions alone or with the anbu until the Hokage entered Naruto into the jonin exam, which he passed obviously.

Kurama just wandered about however always keeping in contact with Naruto.

From what I heard he was going around all the jinchuriki's and helping them with their bijuu's.

And that's how everything has been going.
The ninja world was in a time of peace...

Or was it.

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