Chapter 14: The Chunin Exams (part 8)

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I decided now that enough was enough and that I had to make my move soon otherwise I'd miss my chance.

I had been contemplating every action, analysed every consequence and how that affected my end goal.

I planned to do it straight after the final exam as everyone would be busy celebrating and rewarding themselves for their valiant efforts.

This would be an ideal time.

Nothing could deter me.

I had to do this.

*Naruto pov*

I led there, wrapped in Sasuke's arms, as I had done the whole night.

Although my insomnia still was a problem I no longer felt scared to sleep.
And I still have sleep paralysis.

But now I have Sasuke here with me.
And that makes a world of difference.
The comfort of laying in his presence can calm me, no matter how bad the situation.

The chunin exams were in a few weeks however Sasuke and I never found the need to train.

Today Sasuke was going to introduce me to his family. Even Ita-Nii would be there.

I was so excited!

Sasuke began stirring so I pecked him on the lips.

He opened his sleep hazed eyes and smiled down at me.

His chakra nature was tranquil and happy, which made me even happier.

I beamed in response.

He kissed me on my forehead and then we got up to make breakfast.

It was just us in the house now because Gaara had gone back to Sunahagakure for the time up until the final exam.

It was very peaceful, just the two of us.

I made my way into the kitchen area and Sasuke followed, sitting atop a counter, as I began making breakfast and coffee.

I decided today that I would make myself a smoothie and Sasuke a cook up as I still couldn't eat a whole portion to myself.

Just as I started cooking Kurama walked through the door and so I threw in a few more pieces of bacon for him.

After breakfast Sasuke and I curled up on the couch and watched some trashy tv.

After an hour we decided to get ready to have lunch at the Uchiha Compound with Sasuke's family.

I decided to wear a black shirt and some orange bootie shorts ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) with my weapons pouch fastened just below where they cut off. The shirt was tight and clung to my petit yet muscular frame. I tied my long, sunflower hair behind me in a tight bun and laced up my knee high boots. I also wore one Sasuke's hoodies which completely engulfs my body. It has the Uchiha crest on the back. Kurama told me I looked nice in my mindscape and so I took his word for it.

We made our way over to Sasuke's childhood home, which was on the other side of the village.

Sasuke held my hand as we walked, to the shock of the villagers present however they didn't say anything.

We finally arrived at the gates of the Uchiha district.
There wasn't much going on, everyone was just getting on with their daily routine. Nobody batted and eyelid at our interlocked hands.

Sasuke guided me up the steps and into his family's home. Ita-Nii was at the door and I rushed into his arms.

Sasuke seemed somewhat confused and very jealous.

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