Chapter 15: The Chunin Exams (part 9)

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A few weeks had passed and then suddenly it was the night before the third, and final, chuminada exam.
Gaara and the sand siblings had come to stay with myself and Naruto again.

The sky was dark and Naruto had just finished preparing a hearty meal for everyone, consisting of falafel, quinoa and other things like that. It was very healthy and was probably a good thing to be eating before the exams but to be honest it wasn't as nice as the non-healthy things Naruto cooks. However, my thoughtful blonde kitsune had put tomatoes in the salad and had put extra on my plate. Gosh I loved him.

After dinner had been cleared away the sand siblings returned to there respective places of residence whilst in Konohagakure and Gaara  had take his usual room within Naruto's apartment. Whilst training in Sunahagakure he had developed a mutual understanding and agreement with Shukaku, the one tails. He hadn't quite developed a strong bond with it (like Naruto had) but he could use its power somewhat without horrible side affects, such as destroying the village and going on a killing spree.

I walked over to Naruto as he was washing the dishes and wrapped my arms around his waist whilst kissing and nuzzling his neck. He let out small quiet moans and frequent gasps.
"Not now Sasu," he said to my disappointment "after we've graduated to chunin." He said. It was a tactful move. Now I really needed to become chunin.


We arrived at the arena and were sent to the waiting area. I was fighting Gaara and Naruto was fighting Neji.

'This should be a piece of cake' I thought to myself.

There were a few fights in which Shikamaru won against Temari and Shino won against Kankuro. Sakura and Ino came to a stalemate, and Kiba fought Lee (Lee won obviously). Hinata and Ten-Ten fought as well, leaving Hinata victorious.

*Naruto pov*

After a series of fights, my name was finally called and I made my way down to the battle ground after giving Sasuke a small kiss for luck.

I faced in Neji's general direction. He mumbled over to me "I know you're blind and I admire you for it." It didn't surprise me that he could tell, what with his kekkei-genkai the byakugan.

The administrator announced the beginning of the fight and I immediately jumped back into the bushes. I began making earth clones and water clones, along with a blood clone to take my place on the surface. Then I used a jutsu to hide in the ground. I could sense Neji above me and always remained in his blind spot behind him.

He was fighting the water clones and trying to locate my blood clone. As he finally found it the earth clones I had made, sprang out of the ground and pulled him under. Using the palm rotation he was able to expel himself from the hole I'd dig him into.

Still unaware that he wasn't fighting the real me he continued to attempt to land a blow on my blood clone, however the clone had all the same skills that I did and dodged every attack gracefully. My clone then performed a great fireball jutsu, which Neji just about missed, however it seared off his eyebrows. Then my clone ensnared Neji in a water prism and began solidifying it into ice.

Unfortunately for me, Neji had been trained well and performed a substitution jutsu. And then threw a kunai straight into the blood clones heart. I heard Sasuke yell my name as soon as that happened. He sounded panicked and scared, and it took all of my strength to remain hidden and not reveal myself and tell him I was alright.

And we you see, the thing about blood clones, is that when they are fatally wounded, they explode, showering the attacker in blood. Usually leaving them in a state of shock so that the real ninja can catch them off guard. It's why they are much better then shadow clones as their deaths can be used as diversions.

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