Chapter 8: The Chunin Exams (part 2)

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*Sasuke pov*

I arrived home very late that night. I had gone to "observe" the dobe in his house. But when I got there he was sharing a bed with a red-head. I didn't know what this means. I need to have a conversation with my dobe.

*Naruto pov*

I awoke at dawn like I always do. It's a shame that I cannot see because I always seem to wake at dawn but I will never see the sunrise.

I went and had a wash, then I began making breakfast. Because I had a guest, I decided to do a fry-up.

*Gaara pov*

The smell of bacon and eggs wafted its way into my nostrils. My stomach rumbled as I made my way towards the delicious scent.

I followed my nose into the kitchen where Naruto was making breakfast. He served it onto three plates.
"Uhh... Naruto, there are only two of us. Who is the third plate for?" as I said this a man with fox ears and a tail walked in. Naruto handed him a plate and then stroked his ears. The man, even though he was a lot taller and older looking then us (he looked like he was in his early twenties), purred and bent down a bit so Naruto could stroke his ears more.

I stared in shock as this fully grown man (with animal attributes) allowed this small boy to pet him. AND HE WAS PURRING TOO!

I retained a calm composure as I watched, with curiosity, as the pair acted around each other.

"Gaara," Naruto said, breaking the silence. His voice shocked me out of my daydreaming "This is Kurama."

I was shocked.
Kurama was the Kubii no Kitsune.
The beast with nine tails.
And he was standing right in front of me, purring while he was having his ears rubbed.

This... Demon, as people called him, who struck terror into peoples hearts. Who has killed thousands, destroyed entire villages (in fact he had even destroyed the village I was in now), was being petted by a blind 12 year old.

Its fair to say that anyone who was in my position would feel the same way.

I sat at the table (which was a kitchen island by the way) across from Kurama and Naruto. It was only when I began eating that I realized how hungry I actually was. I dug into my food as if it were my last meal.

Naruto giggled from across the table as I inhaled my food.
What can I say, I was hungry.

I slowed down my pace as I realized I would probably get indigestion. I finished my food with a satisfied sigh and a patted my stomach.

I haven't eaten like that in years

I looked across at Naruto who had barely touched his food. Kurama was in fox form and was lying, belly up, on Narutos lap and Naruto was tickling his stomach. Kurama was twitching his leg in satisfaction.

Then Naruto cleared the table and began washing up.

I continued to sit awkwardly until there was a knock at the door.

"Gaara, could you go open the door please?" Naruto said while drying off the plates. I obediently went to the front door.
Stood outside were my siblings.

I opened the door and they were surprised to see that I was the one to let them in.

They were obviously expecting Naruto to come.

Tamari and Kankuro smiled respectfully at me and then shuffled in. They always seemed frightened around me, even though I am their youngest sibling and teammate. Although I can understand their fear. Everyone is afraid of me.

Apart from Naruto. He seems to fear nothing.

Naruto, who had now finished the dishes came over to greet my siblings and we sat down around the island in Narutos kitchen.

*Kakashi pov*

I decided that I would enter squad seven into the chunin exams. I believe that they have the potential to become chunin.

Especially since they have Naruto *shivers* He scares the crap out of me sometimes. Almost as much as Tenzo. *Shivers again*

*Time skip: Midday at the training ground*

"I have gathered you here today to make a big anouncement." I said to my team.

"Oh no Kaka-nii... Don't tell us your getting married... Or having kids!? I can't be an uncle just yet!" Naruto said sarcastically.

I rolled my eyes.

"No Naruto. I have decided to enter you into th-"

"The chunin exams!" Naruto cut me off holding the envelopes out to Sasuke and Sakura, who eagerly took one. (Even Sasuke showed some form of excitement)

I sighed. "Thanks for that Narut-..." Naruto held a kunia to me throat as he jumped on my back. All jokiness has left his expression, his face only showing seriousness.

I gulped. My ototou can be very scary at times. Sakura and Sasuke gulped too.

*gulp* "Th-thank you very much Naruto s-sama..." I said, genuinely fearing for my life because, you see, Narutos expressions are difficult to read for he has no traits that give him away.
Like some people laugh or their faces twitch when they lie or are being sarcastic.
I am very good at reading these traits, what with me being an ex-ANBU member. However, Naruto has none of these traits and so his mood swings are difficult to see wether he is being serious or not.

Naruto giggled and climbed of my back. Me, Sasuke and Sakura released a breath we hadn't realized we had been holding. Naruto walked away to his apartment waving the letter above his head and smiling brightly, as if he hadn't just held a kunai to my neck.

I then explained to Sasuke and Sakura the rules of handing in the forms.


Hey guys! I have decided to write a new story and I need your help.

Its going to be about vampires and its going to be gay so DONT GET ME TO CHANGE THAT BECAUSE IT WILL BE FABULOOOUUUS!!!!!! yas >^<

Anywhooo... Do you guys want it to be Naruto (Or any other anime) or do you want me to create my own characters and ships (also known as boats).

I appreciate all the reads. THANK YOU!!!!!

Farewell my BOOTIEfull pretties.

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