Chapter 9: The Chunin exams (part 3)

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I was walking down the streets of Konoha when Sasuke pulled me into an alleyway and pinned my arms above my head. I knew he was there through his chakra presence and it seemed to be displaying... was that lust?
I smirked up at him.

"Hey Sasuke." I said, my voice matching the lust oozing from his persona. His chakra began showing a fragment of confusion but that was then covered up with more lust and need.

*Sasuke pov*

I stared down at Naruto as he smirked up at me, his face a picture of lust with a light blush dusting his cheeks.
I was taken aback by his response to my actions. It almost made me want to not discipline him. Almost.

YOU HAVE BEEN don't come crying to me

I looked deeply into Naruto's cerulean blue eyes. They were deeper than the ocean and I felt myself getting lost in them. Naruto's eyes looked unfocusedly back into mine and then I remembered that he was blind.

"Naruto" I breathed into his ear, "who was that laying in bed with you?" My question was more like a command that I said in a relaxed yet sultry way.

Naruto just grinned.
"Wouldn't you like to know." Naruto said, matching my tone of voice.

"My punishment for you will get worse unless you tell me who it was." I leaned in and nibbled his ear lobe and he moaned in response.

He teleported us into his bedroom where I had him pinned up against his door. I had forgotten that he could do that but what confused me was that if he can teleport then it means he could teleport out of my grip but was choosing not to. I smirked even more down at him.

I began sucking and nibbling his neck until I found the soft spot which rewarded me with a shuddered breath and some broken moans. He panted as I sucked and bit harder, marking him as mine. I then looked satisfied at the hickey I left on the nook of his neck. I turned to face him focusing on his lips. His eyes were half lidded, he was panting and there was a small trail of drool coming from the corner of his mouth.

I slowly closed the distance between us and connected my lips with his. I ran my tongue along his bottom lip asking for entrance which I was readily granted. I slid my tongue inside the warm cavern of Naruto's mouth. We fought for dominance which I won because I pushed my leg in between Naruto's and began rubbing it against his crotch.

He whimpered and mewled as I began rubbing it harder. His moans were turning me on and I began kissing him harder. I removed my leg and Naruto whined in loss of contact but then I ground my hips against his and he moaned even louder. I moaned quietly as I began grinding harder. I could feel his clothed erection connecting with mine as his moans grew louder. He started thrashing his head and calling my name as I groped his ass.

"Harder S-sasuke, I'm c-close." I grunted in response as I ground my hips harder.

"Ahh-ahh. Fa-faster S-sasuke, I-I'm g-gonna c-cum." Naruto moaned. His moans were making me painfully hard as I rubbed against him harder.

"A-ahh. M-me t-too. A-ah" I moaned.

"Sasuke!" Naruto screamed as he climaxed.
"Naruto!" I cried back, both of us were panting messes afterwards.

I then looked down and kissed Naruto again. More intimately this time, with less need and more passion. I regained my composure and looked into Naruto's half lidded, glazed over eyes. He was panting still and now the trail of drool was longer, almost reaching his chin. I smirked.

"I still haven't given you your punishment, Na-ru-to." I said seductively into his ear. He smiled lustfully up at me before teleporting out from under my grasp. I turned to find him led down on his bed with his head in his hands, facing me. He bit his lip at me as he began to slowly dry hump the bed, letting out soft mewling sounds as he pleasured himself. I felt my cock twitch in my way to tight underwear, which felt like it was shrinking even more.

I walked over to him in a dominant way while unzipping my trousers and tugging down my pants. Naruto then began ridding himself of his clothes until he was led, naked, on his bed in a very sexy position. I straddled him and began kissing my way down from his jaw to his nipples. I bit and sucked each one while Naruto moaned, and I made them hard and red. Then I began kissing and licking down his abdomen until I reached his waist. I kissed his hips before gripping them and putting Naruto's erect cock inside my mouth, deep-throating him instantly. His head dropped to the bed and he let out a breathy moan.

I continued to deep throat him as he gripped my hair, moaning shamelessly.

"S-sasuke," Naruto whispered almost inaudibly. I took that as a sign that Naruto was about to cum and so began sucking harder. Naruto released loud crys of pleasure that rewarded my ears for my efforts.

Soon after, Naruto came in my mouth. He tasted salty and smokey and I couldn't get enough of it. I moved up to his mouth to kiss him again.

As I distracted Naruto with my mouth I moved my hand up to his lips and stopped kissing him.
"Suck" I commanded as I pushed three fingers into my Ukes mouth.
Naruto began sucking my fingers in a very enticing way. 'I wonder what his mouth would be like on my cock' I thought as the dobe swirled his tongue around my fingers, almost making me moan.

After my fingers are wet enough I pulled them out of the blonds very talented mouth, and moved them to his rear. I pushed a finger in and he began to moan quietly. Then I pushed in another and began to scissor him, all the while Naruto was moaning and pushing against my fingers. Finally I add the third finger and I found his prostate. I pressed against it and it rendered Naruto immobile as he quietly moaned the beginnings of words but couldn't finish them due to the pleasurable sensation in his ass.

I removed my fingers with a whine from Naruto but then pressed the tip of my erection against his ass. I teased him and rubbed it up and down his crack.

"Tell me what you want, Na-ru-to" I said, smirking as he looked frustrated.

"Sa-su-ke" he said emphasising on each syllable of my name. " I want you to shove your huge dick into my tight ass and fuck me so hard I can't walk tomorrow." He said while looking, unfocusedly, into my eyes.

No man could refuse that. I couldn't control myself anymore.
I shoved my dick into his ass as hard as I could, knowing that Naruto was a bit of a masochist. He cried out in pleasure.

I continued to fuck Naruto into the bed planning to fuck his brains out. He made unintelligible noises which I could only assume was because the sex was so good.

"S-sas-uke, ah, p-please fu-fuck me, a-ah, h-har-harder." I readily complied and began fucking him so hard I was scared the bed wouldn't hold us up with all the noise it was making. It was almost as loud as me and Naruto, which was saying something.

I continued to screw Naruto into oblivion but I couldn't hold out for much longer and so I reached down and began rubbing Naruto's leaking cock. He began crying out louder.

"S-sasu, I-I'm close."
"I kn-know... m-me too." I said in reply gripping his cock tighter. With that Naruto exploded in my hand screaming my name. His ass began spasming around my cock which automatically sent me over the edge, crying out his name. I collapsed on the bed next to my blond dobe panting heavily.

Naruto turned to face me. "Have you finished disciplining me Sasu-sama?" I shrugged. "That's for me to know and you to inevitably find out" I grinned. He chuckled.
"I love you" I said. Naruto leaned in and kissed me. "I love you too teme"
We lead there like that for a while before passing out into a deep sleep.

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